Chapter 369: Rivals (3)

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“Let’s wrap this up first,” Captain Ye said as he looked at the four maids equipped with a rare artifact. His thoughts were deep; he was guessing that they should have connections to the armor guild, as only people with connections to them can have items like that.

Seeing their actions, Shan Shan ordered the Hua Maids to stop and started providing support instead. They also kindly treated the injured.

The maids were selected because of their poor physiques. However, Hua Lin found a way to boost their weaknesses with tools, which makes them a terrifying force on their own and completely unique from the other forces.

The prototype artifacts were designed based on Snow Fairy’s research to equip her puppets. Yu Yue found a way to make those prototypes usable for people. She first revised it to equip her spirit beasts.

The Hua maids mainly specialize in support and assault; they were trained as such because not all of them could fight, so they usually work in pairs for assault and support.

Their training was unique and just meant for them; even among the pairs, their training was different according to the weapons they wielded.

It didn’t take long for the sword fang to completely take control. They also helped the other mercenary team, which was the first victim of the wolf brigade, before they rested and continued their journey.

Since then, the way they look at their clients has changed. However, Shan'er and the others pay no mind to that. They simply shut their mouths, which also worked since Captain Ye and the others didn’t say anything else.

Days later, Ming yu Hua and Ming yu Xue heard of the news of the wolf brigades annihilation. Knowing that Shan Shan and Cheng Shi were behind those, they both sent people to keep an eye on them without direct contact.

“Oh, experience learning was it,” Ming Yu yu xue said thoughtfully as she caressed little Zi Mo. She just received the report from Xing Er.

“Hmm, that must be why you wanted to stay in this place, you naughty boy. Something interesting must be about to happen.” She pinched her son's cheeks; she just found out that this little guy could see into the future. He has already saved her so much trouble. At first, she had no interest in staying here, but this guy insisted, so she could only give in.

“Hicks...” the little guy giggled adorably.

“Oh, those two little guys were out for a learning experience,” Ming Yu Hua said, intrigued.

“That’s what I’ve heard. Should we invite them over?” Xing Yi asked thoughtfully.

“No need, it’s better not to openly contact with each other. I bet Shan'er already knows that we are here; I’ve seen some of her little friends around,” Ming Yu Hua said lazily as she looked outside the Red Lake City.

“By the way, second miss, young master Ming Lang Ji has sent a message; he strictly warns you not to act recklessly, especially around the group of criminals, or else he would tell your mother.” Xing Yi coughs uncomfortably.

“Say that to my eldest sister, who made such a huge mess, she actually took over medicine city. As expected of her, I thought she would simply destroy it out of spite. But this is so much better; I bet those morons were dying out of anger in their ugly palaces.” She laughs proudly, thinking about the alchemist guild’s reaction upon receiving the news.

“I believed those people Little Shan Shan dealt with were after the first miss,” Xing Yi said positively.

“That’s even better; it’s nice to put some color on that ugly face of his.” She smiled murderously, referring to the crown prince.

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