CHAPTER 217: Spared? (2)

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The other black robe men didn't stand on ceremony anymore, they draw their weapons and started attacking. Thankfully, although there are hundreds of them, they aren't that hard to deal with. With the help of the variant spirit plants and their high-grade weapons and skills, they aren't at a disadvantage.

Captain shadow was even more surprised by their growth, these kids were just timid crybabies when he first meets them. Now they could even withstand hundreds of their junior assassins.  He wondered if the person he betrayed was still alive too, but he didn't dare to ask out loud for fear of hearing the answer he didn't want to hear the most.

"is he---" he finally gathered enough courage to ask but was cut off short when little lavender coiled his leg, his eyes widened when his left leg instantly lost all feeling. He barely dodged the gleaming butterfly dagger flying swiftly to his face.

"what's wrong captain? Didn't you always scold us for being timid?" little Yu Yi teased coldly as her small figure backflipped, her legs were caught by little lavender and she uses it as leverage to thrust herself forward like a butterfly agilely bouncing in a boomerang.

Captain shadow stumbled as he fell to the ground forcefully to avoid little Yu Yi's attack, however, his eyes widened when he saw little Yu Si's little figure holding a black incense burner and looking down at him. Before he knew it the incense burner emitted white foggy smoke with a sweet fragrance when he inhaled it his senses calmed down and he felt drowsy instantly.

'bad news' he thought before his eyes close tiredly. The last thing he saw is the white smoke like a fog swallowing the entire palace. He then heard loud thuds of bodies falling down one by one as he loses his consciousness. After that, he was having the best dream of his entire life which makes him not want to wake up anymore.


At the same time in the jade empire. Troops suddenly appeared just a few miles from their borders, intercepting the advancing troops from the jade empire. They're on their way to launch an attack on the jade moon kingdom.

General chang didn't make an eye-catching entrance like Huang Xin and Yu Yue. They waited until the advancing troops from the jade empire pass through the narrow valley, they laid traps in the way.

The jade empire would have never expected something like this. General Chang is a veteran general after all. He was known for his methods of using topography to their advantage. He was really looking forward to meeting an old acquaintance.

He clenched his raging sword tightly as he recalled what happened to him before, he was sent by the jade empire to invade the borders of the phoenix empire. In the end, he loses more than half of his troops and his legs end up getting crippled.

He was then deemed useless, one of the generals is always envious of him so he dug a pit for him. The emperor just watched him coldly as the heart voodoo curse was implanted in him. He was then forced to become a spy; his clan was even exiled from the empire.

He always thought of seeking vengeance, but who would have thought it came so soon?

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