CHAPTER 359: Illusion Array (1)

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“Yu yue, if you intend to help them, why not directly do so?” de Han asked curiously.

“I know more or less about their current situation; if they can’t even organize their own force, what’s the point of working with them? Our enemies are far stronger than we can imagine. Anyways, whether they succeed or fail, they can still put up a fight. It’s a pity I don’t share the same sentiment of saving the Northern Sky region as they do.” she replied with a sigh; she’s not that attached to this continent and instead of directly fighting for them, Why not let them fight for it? That saves her some trouble.

“Then why did you give them so much?” He scratched his head, unable to comprehend her actions.

“To put it bluntly, by helping them a little to put up a fight, they could serve as cannon fodders at the very least.” Tian Wuxian smiled.

“Don’t you guys think something weird is going on?” Hai Xignze paused as he thought deeply. He scanned their surroundings with raised brows.

“What is it?” Zhuang Lan asked seriously.

“We just entered an illusion,” Yu Yue informed them with a smile as she kept going on.

“Or rather, you lead us here,” Tian Wuxian noticed.

“That’s right, something’s calling for me,” she replied truthfully.

“Is that a good thing?” Si Xiao Xiao’s lips twitch. She had enough of this weird shit calling out to her friends.

“Right, should we just go in the opposite direction?” De Han shivered a little.

“I hate to break it to you, but we have been walking around the illusion array for a while, but I can’t find its eye.” Yu Yue giggled while eyeing Hai Xingze meaningfully, not really worried about their current situation.

“You can’t possibly mean...” his words stuttered as his face paled.

“We have to forcibly break it; we need that mirror’s help,” she answered, beaming with anticipation for a show.

“Is there really no other war?” he asked miserably.

“Nope,” Yu Yue shrugged.

“Alright,” he answered with a sigh as he took out the silver mirror.

“Little tear, mother needs your help.” Yu Yue also called out the adorable little tear, who snuggled into her embrace.

“I know what to do, mother." A little tear smooched her cheeks lovingly.

“Alright, I’ll leave it to you.” Yu Yue rubbed his head tenderly. She couldn’t help but think of her little brother and nephew. She wonders, "How are they doing?"

In contrast, Hai Xingze only received a cold shoulder and a death glare.

“Eh, you can’t blame me. We can’t get out of here,” he snorted.

“Hmmp, it’s just an ancient array. Weaklings like you could naturally not break it. Even if it's me, thankfully that little thing is here,” she harrumphed as she flew around the area.

“Big sister, can you see the eye of the array?” Little Tear asked as he looked at a particular part.

“Yeah, but we need to work together to break it,” the phantom mirror replied, feeling goosebumps all over her body when little tears called her big sister.

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