Chapter 390: twin brothers (1)

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The last ones to compete were the ninth and tenth rankers. Since there are only ten matches for the top twenty, the students can choose whether they have three matches together or one at a time.

This time, the tenth and ninth rankers compete at the same time.

The ninth ranker’s opponent was an unusual one. He was a little boy around Shan Shan’s age; he looks really young and innocent.

“Senior brother, please go easy on me,” he said with a cheerful voice. He sounds really immature.

“Hehe, that depends,” the ninth ranker laughs good-naturedly.

As the stage master announced the start of their match, they both took out their weapons.

The little boy took out ten large needles; his qi then formed like strings from his finger tips, tightly securing the needle hooks.

“Oh, that’s intriguing,” the ninth ranker said, squinting his eyes.

“Hehe, not as intriguing as senior brother,” the young man beamed as he flicked the needles to start attacking.

The needle shoots like an arrow, aiming for the vital parts. The ninth ranker unsheathed his sword; it was really pointy and thin. The tips, about an inch long, were the only part that was sharp.

With a wave, several ice needles block the needles, deflecting them in several directions. He has ice and water elements.

The little boy’s fighting style reminded Yu Yue of the assassins. He moves nimbly too, and he’s all over the place, which is difficult to track.

“Bang! Bang! Clang!” several needles clashed with icicles with a loud clanging sound. They both move really fast, and not everyone was able to catch on to their movements.

“Which clan is that young master from?” the sixth ranker asked curiously. She finally found another target. She’s especially fond of children, as she finds them really adorable.

“Uhm, nobody knows; we all just came back,” the eight-ranker said, shaking with a gleam in her eyes.

“Those techniques—I think I remembered hearing about them before,” the seventh ranker pondered as she looked in the grandmaster’s direction.

“You’re right, he was the medicine cloud peak’s master’s only son,” the grandmaster said, rubbing his white beard approvingly.

“Ah, no wonder he was able to pull something off despite how young he is. He’s also a talented alchemist.” The sixth ranker sighed full of adoration.

“Hehe, I’m actually here,” the ninth ranker laughs as the young master misses his attacks.

“Huh? I clearly saw you standing there.” The young master frowned, confused at the situation.

“Hehe, that’s how unpredictable life is. Don’t trust anything you see,” the ninth ranker lectured as a blizzard started howling crazily, hindering the young master’s visibility and also dulling his senses.

He flicks his needles back and shoots them randomly.

“Bang!” A palm strike hit his back, and his small body poorly flew out of the ring.

“Ah, I just lost,” the young master almost cried. He was still able to fight, but he was already outside the ring. He was too stunned to move.

“What a pity; that jerk played him dirty,” the sixth ranker roared protectively.

“Uh,  she goes crazy again,” the second ranker muttered silently as he moved further from her.

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