CHAPTER 287: Grand visit (1)

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When the emperor who just regained his senses after the eunuch help him almost spat blood when he heard that so he just pretended to be dead while twitching his lips after eyeing the crown prince meaningfully. Though he didn't dare to expose them.

"t-that can be settled, we would handle this properly." the crown prince said with a wry smile.

"all is good then, Tian Cai restaurant is really amazing though" Yu Yue clapped her hands full of meaningful smiles.

The crown prince pursed his lips, 'this young sovereign quickly changed her attitude faster than the lightning, though Second brother would surely lose big this time.' he thought inwardly. Even so, he nodded without batting an eye, it was his second brother's fault anyways. The kingdom won't lose so much with this arrangement.

Although the outer region is quite far from the Qiuling kingdom it slowly gained a reputation. It traveled far and wide, a month ago Bai An kingdom send envoys for cooperation and was thrown away for being rude. They threatened to send an army, however before they could say more they were thoroughly beaten up.

Qiuling kingdom send out people to investigate and found out that the four great empires united, shocking them even more. 

Seeing its frightening speed of change in structure and lifestyle, they wish to secure cooperation with them while it's still early.

Tian Cai restaurant was famous and luxurious, the second prince was so proud of it that he would flaunt its reputation every day. When the deed was forcibly seized by the king and given to those people he despises he was livid, in the end when he found out their identities he fainted. He didn't even dare to go out of his residence anymore for fear that they might come looking for him.

He was overthinking though, Yu Yue doesn't have that much time to make things difficult for him.  Besides the king surely put him under control and that should be enough, though he was annoying and arrogant he never sentenced anyone to death. Most of the people his guards captured were let off and were compensated by the king.

So Yu Yue 'generously' takes all branches of Tian Cai restaurant and gives them all to Little Fatty who's currently wreathed with smiles like a fool. This should be enough to teach that rotten prince a lesson.

"sovereign Yu, when are you living?" The third prince asked curiously, he followed Yu Yue like a tail after that incident and the crown prince also joined them. He brought them to famous places leisurely.

"We would be leaving for the jade moon kingdom at sunset." Yu Yue answered honestly, she likes this third prince a lot. She already lost interest in Bai An kingdom after hearing their deeds so she decided to just directly go back to hundred flower city. She already sends a message to bright moon palace, she would drop by there on their way back to glacial moon valley.

"Can I come together? I want to study in the academy right away" he said hopefully, he was so excited about going there to the point that that's the most word that came out of his mouth these days.

"Sure, but don't you have to prepare?" she raised her brows in amusement.
"no need, I already asked my servants to prepare before we exited the palace" he grinned toothy-ly.

"..." Yu Yue was stunned, this little guy sure knows how to act quickly.

It happened just like that, now they were already outside the capital city and were standing in the middle of a secluded area surrounded by trees and grass.

"Uhm, what are we doing here sovereign Yu?" the little prince asks curiously. The crown prince also tilted his head at her.

"We are in a hurry so we need to change rides" she simply said as she exited the carriage. If they rode on a carriage it would take about five months to get to hundred flower city.

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