Chapter 383: Naughty Sisters (3)

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“Ahh, you’re cheating. You said you wouldn’t summon your contract beast.” Hong Chen pouted as the whip wrapped his body tightly. He was really struggling as the sixth rank slowly neared him.

”Hehe, we can’t play around all day,” she giggled as she pinched his cheeks and rubbed his bald head over and over again.

“Ahhh, don’t touch me!” Hong Chen shouted angrily. He was caught again and suffered the fate of being fondled and kissed all over like a cute pet.

“I really want to be little Hong Chen; look how lucky he is to be kissed and hugged by the number one beauty in the academy,” the second ranker muttered dreamily, earning a disgusted stare from others.

“Hehe, I’m just joking,” he said, but no one really believed him.

Everyone ignored him as they all looked at the second ring, where the seventh ranker was facing another guy from the seniors.

Just like the sixth and eighth rankers, the seventh ranker also has a squirrel beast. Her white beast could manipulate gravity, though, unlike the Sicth, who could manipulate space, and the Eight, which could store spears.

Of the three sisters, the seventh rank is the shield. She’s good with defense, which can be guessed based on the artifact she wields.

She wields a huge shield that she could manipulate at will. It was different from Han Shi’s blade-shield sword.

Her opponent was a burly guy with good facial features and tanned skin. It was also clear that he spent a lot of time in the wild to train. His style of fighting was like Zhuang Lan's.

“That guy is really good; too bad his cultivation was slightly weaker than the seventh ranker,” the ninth ranker commented.

“Indeed, his speed was also good. It’s just that the seventh ranker could manipulate multiple shields, and they’re troublesome to deal with,” the third ranker added.

“Hehehe, what do you all know? Although the seventh ranker specializes in defense, she’s been training with her sisters. All of their attacks are random and unpredictable. She’s already used to reading her opponents attacks.” The second ranker tried to regain his image by saying something analytical for once.

“Yeah, we also didn’t expect you to be good with swords given how nosy you appeared,” the tenth ranker agreed in a matter-of-fact tone. Putting everyone in a good mood

“Hey, you don’t have to be so mean,” the second ranker yelled, looking like he was really hurt by those words.

Back to the stage, the burly guy jumps mid-air as he strikes with earth spikes from below.

The seventh ranker smiled as one of the shields quickly floated with her and the others started smashing down her opponent mercilessly.

“I’ve been waiting for you to do this,” she giggled as the guy was slapped to the ground with a loud bang.

“Puff, I admit defeat,” the guy managed to stand up, but he coughed up some blood and staggered on his steps.

“Very well,” the seventh ranker said, dusting her hands and retracting all of her shields. The white squirrel also jumps into her embrace as they walk down the stage to join the other two.

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