CHAPTER 277: Kicking an iron plate (3)

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Little phoenix just happened to see that scene. However, he couldn't do anything as he was a little farther from her.

"thud!" with a loud thud Huang Xin could only sigh bitterly, she closed her eyes and waited for the pain. She waited and waited but it didn't come.

When she slightly opened her eyes she saw Fan Xing Xing's figure buried in a pit inelegantly. She was sprawled like a pitiful frog out of the water.

"hahahhaha—cough! Cough! Cough!" she laughs out loud uncontrollably when she saw that unbefitting scene. However, she ends up in a coughing fit and spat more blood.

"you're still in the mood to laugh!" Huang Jian scolded when she saw her little sister gasping for air.

"big brother! Han Sha? Han Shi? Am I dreaming? Why are you guys here?" she muttered blankly trying to blink several times to clear her dizziness.

"hmmp, if we didn't come here we might never see you again princess" Han Sha retorted as he quickly took out a high-level pill for her.

"Princess, what's going on here?" Han Shi asked with a frown as she take in the situation.

"I'll explain later, you guys help Yu Yue and the others first" she gasps as Huang Jian helps her to sit farther from the battle, he also attentively bandages her wounds.

Han Shi and Han Sha nodded in agreement as they join in the prey.

"big brother, why are you guys here?" she asked curiously after her breathing stabilized.

"hmmp, you ran away from home again. Mother was so worried so she let us follow you" he snorted as he eyed her angrily.

"hehe, didn't I write her a letter though?" Huang Xin quibbled as she shrank her neck guiltily. She indeed ran away to follow Yu Yue and the others, she thought her mother would be angry so she didn't dare to inform her.

"so what's happening here?" Huang Jian knitted his brows as he wrinkled his brows in displeasure. The stench of corrosion was too pungent; he was too worried to notice it earlier.

After a heavy sigh, she started telling her big brother about the ongoings in the central region.

"what? Such thing happened?" he was taken aback. If such a thing would also spread in the outer region, then he's afraid everyone would be in a difficult situation.

Seeing his reaction, Huang Xin quickly guessed what he was thinking. "big brother, we also meet a few of them in the green mist forest on our way here" she muttered worriedly.

"nothing happened in the outer region right?" she asked as cold sweat soaked her back.

"Well, I don't know. We need to go there to check" he replied unsurely. On their way here they didn't hear or encounter such a thing. However, the lower realm is vast and wide so he wouldn't know for certain.

"okay let's talk to Yu Yue about it" she suggested after giving it some thought. She knows Yu Yue is in a hurry to go to the middle realm so she didn't know how to tell her.

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