CHAPTER 268: swatting a fly (4)

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"you're a doctor too" the guy from the golden hands' sect knitted his brows, golden hands sect has a lot of alchemists and doctors that's why no one wants to offend them as they are the primary source of pills and potions in the market.

He could tell the moment Yu Yue took out her silver needles so he was extra careful.
"so are you!" Yu Yue retorted with a sneer, this guy uses the same method to Little Five earlier.

Without delay they exchange a few moves using silver needles, silver needles are hard to defend against especially if it's hidden within spirit attacks.

They both use spirit attacks and hide their silver needles sneakily, the more he fought with Yu Yue the grimmer his face was as his heart faltered. He never thought he would encounter someone better than him in using silver needles.

The battle was at a standstill, Yu Yue frowned. She doesn't intend to drag this on with this guy.

"little willow moves your muscles" Yu Yue smiled cheekily as four vines elongated from her flower crown and it whip the guy brutally.

Little willow was enjoying it so much to the point that Yu Yue doesn't have to do anything after hitting the guy's legs with her silver needles and he was played by Little Willow like swatting a fly.

The street was then filled with painful screams that shakes the heaven. She mercilessly and thoroughly beat them into crap. 

"that young lady is so fierce"

"right, right. But I like it so much"

"Those two deserve it, how dare they ganged up against a little girl"

The crowd cheered, the painful screams are like music to their ears.

Huang Xin was roaring wildly too, she wished she was there so she could beat those two even more brutally.

Not just her but even yu ling who remained quiet unclenched his tight fists, he saw everything clearly through the screen earlier. The little assassins were angered too.

Hua ling just sat there sternly, she knows they were targeted but it was too much to bully a little girl like that.

After five hours the battle ended, twin moon sect was immediately ranked first. The crowd cheered as they won the bet, some were unreconciled as they lost their entire fortune.

However, the previous five great sects seemed unbothered by the result as they hurriedly left the arena.


That night at the inn, as they rank first they celebrated. However, it didn't take long as a flash of light covered the entire city.

Everyone was confused, but before they could react chaos ensued in the streets. Black fog mysteriously appeared randomly in the city and it corroded everything it touches.


"Run. Run quickly" they shrieked and run to find a safe place to hide but it was fruitless, once they realized that they run towards the city gate. However, they couldn't get out of the barrier at all.

There are so many people in the city because the sect exchange would only end after the showdown of talents tomorrow so the streets are chaotic and in a state of jeopardy.

Some people died because they were stepped on by others due to panic and fear. They could care less about other people's lives at this moment. 

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