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When one of the lewd men was about to pounce on Hua Yi’s alluring figure, he was met with a resounding slap, and all of his teeth flew out of their place.

“Oh, as expected of sister Hua Lin’s people,” Shan Shan commented approvingly.

“Sister Hua San and Sister Hua Si’s team, focus on providing support to Sister Hua Yi and Hua Er.” She provided directions, serving as their eyes.

She would also warn them of predicted attacks and sneak attacks.

“Tssk, that young lady seems to be predicting our attacks. Take her down first.” The vice captain of the wolf brigade noticed the oddity and ordered.

“Sister Hua Yi and sister Hua Er, take that guy down first,” Shan Er noticed and ordered with a malicious grin.

The guy snorted when Hua Yi finally took out her prototype weapon, a gigantic scissor that fires spirit attacks.

“Hua Er, hit him hard, Hua Yi said coldly as she fired a massive ball of spirit energy towards Hua Er.

“Leave it to me,” Hua Er smiled as she took out two mallets and hit the massive spirit ball using 100 percent of her strength.

The spirit energy deflected directly, heading towards the vice commander's face. It was too late for him to dodge, so he haphazardly made a spirit barrier, which shattered upon contact.

“Oops, we overdid it again. My prototype needs a minute to cool down.” Hua Yi sighed in annoyance.

“Mine too; it was difficult to control my strength.” She also shook her head disappointedly.

Unlike their casual remarks, the people around them all paused stiffly, gawking at them. Nobody cared about the mangled flesh of the previous vice commander, who died without even letting out a scream.

They just noticed that these maids were equipped with several boosting artifacts.

“What the hell just happened?” Captain Ye asked blankly, his knees almost wobbling with that powerful strike. He couldn’t help but wipe away his cold sweat.

“Supporting teams, start assaulting.” Shan Shan’s merciless voice resounded, making everyone shiver.

Before they could react, a one-sided massacre ensued.

This boosts the morale of the sword fang; this is the first time they see with their own eyes that the wolf brigade suffered so much beyond recovery.

“Captain, brothers, let’s avenge our comrades,” one of the members shouted heroically. The others also followed and started attacking wildly.

“Ye ling, you actually make a move on us. Aren’t you afraid of the crown prince anymore?” the wolf brigade’s captain brought up the crown prince’s name, seeing their unfavorable situation.

“Hmmph, I had enough of your nonsense.” Hua San snorted in annoyance, her umbrella close, and fired a massive spirit ball that pierced the captain’s chest but was resisted by his armor.

"HAH--PUFFF!” the captain was about to laugh wildly when a huge scythe harvested his life, making his head roll around the ground.

“Captain, their armaments are so cool.” Bei Hei’s eyes shone brightly. She never saw anything like that in her entire life.

“Young lady Shan Shan is also really cool; she’s actually better than me in tactics,” Bei Wei said, full of emotions.

VOLUME 2: The Third Princess Overturns The WorldWhere stories live. Discover now