CHAPTER 371: Building a fortress (2)

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A few moments later, a cloud of dark clouds looms all over the valley.

Several shiny black ants are undergoing a lightning tribulation. They were all so excited because they are finally able to have a human form.

“we thanks the little miss kindness” several people resounded in the valley as they all kneeled to thank her.

“all rise, we have things to do. Follow me and as long as you do well you shall be rewarded” she smiled at them as she take the lead.

Not long after, more than fifty people followed shan shan and cheng shi back to their camp.

“we would be working with the ant king and his army” shan shan clapped her hands and started explaining important details.

They already excavated a large amount of land but the sword fang mercenary team still feels like they were in a dream. There are several interlinked tunnels underground that leads to different directions. They also excavated a waterway around the place where they will build the fortress.

The army of ants mostly do all the excavating and gathering of black metal ores to build the wall. Cheng shi and the hua maids work together to produce all the materials. Captain ye’s team were in charge of food preparation. The ants eat crystals instead of food and that’s the only thing jade moon palace didn’t lacks.

“my heart really hurts seeing those high grade crystals getting gobbled up like a piece of cake” bei wei cried, it took her a lot of years to save not even half a fingers fraction of the crystals the ants consumed.

“I think we all feel the same” bei hei gulped as her eyes reddened, she couldn’t turn away so she witnessed how quickly a mountain of crystals turned into dusts in a blink.

“I didn’t know such force exists with so much crystals, even the emperor couldn’t casually spend even a quarter of this amount” captain ye sighed.

Then it all struck them, until now they still have no idea which force did their employers came from?

They started ‘I look at you, you look at me’ again. They were all itching to know, they should just stop risking their lives and work for them forever. They all sigh in their hearts.

The longer the sword fang mercenaries stayed with shan’er and the others the more they’re itching to dig her background but they don’t have the guts to know.

They were tired of being amazed too so whenever they saw something amazing, they would just look at it briefly before getting back to their business without causing a fuss.

The place they were currently working on is marked as the deadliest place in the dragon plains so people naturally avoided going near them. The ants were known for their notorious group attacks.

Despite the commotion on their side, no one knows about it yet. People were still caught up on the on goings in medicine city. Unlike red lake city which is unaccessible to ordinary people, they were all having a peaceful change. On the other hand, ming yu xue were facing a lot of guests now and then which is giving her a headache.

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