Chapter 387: Battle of Beauty (1)

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In the next round, Hai Xingze participated. Seeing the one he had competed with earlier, he didn’t hesitate to challenge him again in combat. They were both disqualified earlier for fighting in the array competition.

Hai Xingze’s enemy was some annoying guy who was also narcissistic. They’re really a good match; it was entertaining and really refreshing to see them flaunt their vanity.

“Hmmp, good that you can also fight. Now we can settle the score of who’s the most perfect being between us,” the guy in green robes harrumphed arrogantly.

“Hmmp, I won’t go easy on you until you cry like a child.” Hai Xingze flips his hair haughtily.

“...” the crowd looked at the two bickering on the stage like peacocks.

“Ahem, you two should begin the match already,” the stage master said, coughing to intervene in their verbal fights.

“Hehe, let’s see if you can deal with my beauty.” The guy in the green robe grinned as he summoned his plant spirit, which is a white rose with prickly thorns.

When the roses hit Hai Xingze’s figure, they turned purple miasma and dissolved into thin air with a puff.

”Heh, you ugly bitch! Don’t make me sick!” A woman’s low snicker could be heard as the miasma covered the entire arena, making it difficult for people to see.

“Tsk! Petty tricks!” the guy in green narrowed his eyes as one of the rose vines caught the shooting arrow and crushed it effortlessly.

“Do you think Xingze will win?” De Han asked doubtfully.

“It’s too early to tell. Although these two look like airheaded idiots, they are actually very powerful. I don’t doubt Xingze’s skills, but his opponent isn’t an easy one.” Tian Wuxian analyzed carefully. Just catching those sneaky arrows isn’t an easy feat by any means.

“That’s right, we still don’t know what that guy could do. I guessed though that since he was also good with arrays, Xingze’s illusion might not work for long.” Zhuang Lan touched his chin thoughtfully.

“I think so too,” Yu Yue agreed as she observed the situation closely. With the purle miasma, they could hardly see anything.

Back in the arena, the guy in green robes closed his eyes as he took out something that resembled a fishing net. He ranks third in the ranking list; he was good at traps and binds, and he was also good at both defense and long-range attacks. So to speak, he was good at tracking and catching moving targets.

“Catch!” With a low shout, the net spread, covering almost half of the arena.

“Puff...puff..puff.” Several puffing sounds could be heard as the clones dissolved into purple miasma.

Before the miasma cleared out, they all heard a loud string make a clanging sound as a massive sipirit arrow shot out speedily, cutting the air. The attack was fired right above.

The guy in green robes quickly reacted to the danger. He quickly set up a protective multi-layered defense array, and his spirit plant also formed protective layers of barriers to protect them from the impact.

The entire stage shook as debris flew everywhere; thankfully, there were protective barriers around, so the impact didn’t affect the spectators.

“That really hurts; now it’s my turn.” A playful voice could be heard as several vines shot out, catching all the clones and even the real Xingze. With a thudding sound, he was pulled midair and cruelly smashed to the ground.

“Ahhh, not in the face,” was all they heard before the silence ensued. As the stage cleared, his sorry figure was sprawled on the floor disgracefully.

If he happened to see his own figure, he might faint again. Yu Yue and the others thought to themselves sheepishly. Better not mention this scene ever happening at all, they all thought.

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