CHAPTER 358: Last dragon egg (3)

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“So, are you helping us?” Zhao Beng asked suspiciously.

“Not quite yet, just so you know, if you cause a rebellion, you are mostly likely bringing a lot of things to light. There are some things you should look out for in the dark, just in case you’re not aware. "Shorter or later, the entire dragon continent will possibly get wiped out.” With a serious tone, she told them the truth.

“What do you mean?” Zhao asked with a serious frown.

“You should be aware of the rising forces on this continent; come to think about the events involving death fogs, and where is the king getting his immortality pill? What was happening in other regions? It is surprising but not unexpected that you guys aren’t aware of these things. Don’t forget the ocean goes really deep,” she warned them with a smile.

“So you’re saying that this continent will be doomed soon, or it’s right to say that it has already started?" It’s not just the other imperial regions, and there are foreign forces involved?” Zhang Shen deduced.

“You guessed it right.” Yu Yue beamed at her.

“Then isn’t that more reason that you should work with us?” Zhao Beng clinched her hands with a stubborn face.

“It’s not about whether we’ll join you or not; it’s more about what you can bring to the table." I don’t want to work with a disorganized group. Since you guys really want to change your situations so much, why don’t you start with the Gu clan?” She said it casually as she took out a storage ring.

“Since we can be considered friends, think of this as our meeting gift. Let’s talk later.” Yu Yue smiled as she handed Zhao Shen the ring.

“One more thing, there’s only a week left for the exam. You should have no problem passing it on your own, right?” She turned around and started leaving; the others followed her lead, leaving the trio too stunned to react as they stared at each other, filled with questions without anyone asking them.

“Does she just give us a test?” Zhao Beng muttered in disbelief.

“I think it’s more or less,” Zhao Shen replied as she handed them the storage ring after giving it a casual check, and they almost fainted seeing the so-called "meeting gift'. Even the imperial family might not have received such a gift in their entire lives.

“Then we can’t disappoint her; this should be enough to even entice the hidden clans,” Zhao muttered.

“It’s not as simple as that; she wants an organized group. Remember?” Zhang Shen pointed out.

“Does she mean we should build our own powerhouse?" Zhao Beng said exasperatedly.

“More likely,” Zhao answered thoughtfully.

“But our zhao clan can’t even support itself for too long? Doesn’t that sound like a joke?” Zhao Beng gulped, full of disbelief.

The two look at her, clutching to the storage ring tightly. Zhao Beng also realizes her own folly and just stares at the ring dumbly.

“She can’t possibly...” she muttered in disbelief.

“Well, you should already have an idea of her character,” Zhao Shen sighed.

“But Yu Yue has a point; we won’t know who’s going to turn against us when desperate times come." We can’t rely on others.” Zhao sighed, finding this task truly difficult.

“Besides, we don’t have a choice; this is enough.” Zhao Shen gritted her teeth with determination.

“Alright, let’s do it.” Zhao Beng was also fired up and threw her initial worries to the back of her head.

“But we first need to pass the exam,” Zhao said, pouring cold water on her.

“Uh, yeah right” she just remembered.

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