CHAPTER 378: Zhao Shen (3)

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The next moment, a black shadow shadowed over the jade moon fortress as a black turtle descended from the sky.
“Sister Zier,” Cheng Shi cheered, seeing the familiar figure.
The next second, they heard a phoenix chirping before a dazzling, fiery bird twirled around the sky before landing, carrying figures.
“Sister Huang Xin and sister Yan Shi, big brother Huang Jian and brother Yan Sha,” Shan Shan greeted eagerly.
“Ohmy, our little Shan'er has grown a lot,” Huang Xin praised. The others all nodded to her with smiles.
“Hehe, thanks for the praise, big sister,” Sha Shan smiled shyly.

“Alright everyone, the master won’t be here until next week. You should all get acquainted first and enjoy the banquet we prepared,” Lady Shan Shu announced, making everyone's faces light up as they all mingled together.

They were quite busy in the past few months, and there are new members who they haven't become acquainted with. Huang Jian really worked hard to find talented people to grow their forces. He also helped Bright Moon Palace and Twin Moon Sect recruit more people.

Looking back to the first time they met each other, they have now reached greater heights and come to places they hadn’t even dared to imagine before.


On Yu Yue’s side, she was currently cultivating in her quarters.

“Junior sister, master is looking for you.” Little Hong Chen entered her room directly while munching chicken legs.

“Senior brother, did you go to the beast cloud peak again?” she raised her brows, looking at his bald and chubby figure.

That’s right, this little guy ends up becoming her senior brother. The situation was rather awkward, but he was the first disciple, and that can’t be changed.

“Yep, junior brother De cooked delicious meals,” he said, nodding his head approvingly while licking his fingers.

“You two need to stop eating too much,” she shrugged helplessly as they slowly headed towards Master Hong Fei’s living quarters.

They live on the restricted academy grounds, so Yu Yue hasn’t seen any other students aside from Fatty and the others who would occasionally visit her. She’s been seriously learning martial arts and other cultivation methods under Master Hong Fei’s guidance.

She also heard what happened to Zhao Shen and her cousins.

After the entrance exam, they got the news that Gu Lin’s father led his people to annihilate the Zhao clan, and they hunted the three. The three didn’t hear of the news until they went back to their clan.

After getting into the academy, the students were not allowed to leave unless on official business, so they didn’t hear of the news until five months later. They were about to work on the conditions you agreed to with them.

However, they were hunted instead. Their constant fight and flight leads them to deviate from their path of cultivation.

That’s when they begged Yu Yue to take them. She agreed, but only after they avenged their clansmen. That’s when Hong Mei finally found Zhao Shen at death’s door.

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