CHAPTER 295: floating mist island (3)

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She wasn't under the influence of the aphrodisiac at that time, she just saw that man acting weird. It piques her curiosity and wanted to help, she wasn't a kind person so at first she just wanted to ignore him but for some reason, she takes the initiative.

In the end, she was taken advantage of and also get affected by the aphrodisiac and actually did something embarrassing in broad daylight with a stranger. Just the thought of it boils her blood, she would kill that bastard the next time they meet.


Yu Yue was just curious about the island so the two of them were just casually strolling around like it was their backyard.

She couldn't help but be amazed, this island truly deserved its name. Floating illusory mists were all around like silk covering a beauty's body. Making one feel excited and full of anticipation to unveil what's hidden under the mist, but once you thoughtlessly do so you would likely die as dangers were all lurking behind the beautiful surface.

"let's head straight, there's something you would like there" Sheng Shi Jie suddenly spoke as he looks at her smilingly.

"oh what is it?" Yu Yue was curious as her feet subconsciously followed his lead. 

"you will know when we get there" he smiled mysteriously making her brain itch to know even more.

"How childish" she snorted cutely as she followed him while they bantered like they own the place. For Sheng Shi Jie the so-called dangers were nothing at all, spirit beasts would immediately take a detour once they sense his aura.

They walk for a few kilometers and arrived in a canyon, the streams were forming a lake surrounding a magnificent red tree with red fruits. Although this place was an island, it's actually really huge.  It would take about more than a month for them to explore all the places inside. So she didn't realize that they were actually in the innermost part of the island.

"Yu Yue, quickly take that tree" butler white suddenly flashed out of the space and jumps towards the tree excitedly. He hugs it protectively like a greedy creature who hasn't seen the world before.

Yu Yue was stunned, she hasn't seen this old unreliable thing so excited to the point of exposing himself to strangers. He even talks openly now; he must be seeking trouble.

"Why are you out?" she gritted her teeth and eyed Sheng Shi Jie warily who look at the odd bunny with surprise.

She stared at him with measuring eyes while flashing her celestial fan under her sleeves, she knows nothing of his background and intentions. She's been careful all this time around him, but she didn't think Butler White would give her away just for a stupid red tree.

Seeing her guarded expression hurt flashed in his eyes. He sighed and pretended to be naïve "Uhm, is that your spirit beast? How can it talk?" he acted amazed as he eyed the bunny with odd attire curiously. He really has no idea at all and he was genuinely surprised.

Yu Yue held the celestial fan tightly as she tried to see through him, she couldn't tell if his reaction were genuine or just a facade.

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