Chapter 389: First Ranker (2)

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“Clang!” Thankfully, he saw a cold glint and managed to block the string with his sword, which was swiftly slicing his way.

“Clang!” Another string coiled his sword, and several needles flew out, hidden by the icicles. He didn’t manage to dodge as he was entangled and block the icicles with his arms; instead, one of the needles managed to pierce his arm, leaving a dark purple gash.

“Woah, this junior sister actually managed to cut some skin on big brother.” The second ranker was amused; he didn’t even notice that he slipped up, and everyone was much more shocked by his words. Only a few know that they were actually brothers.

“But that’s not going to work twice,” the third ranker muttered, his brows showing curiosity.

“That’s a sad truth,” the second ranker sighed.

True to his words, Yu Yue flicked the strings back. The first ranker’s figure suddenly blurred and disappeared.

Yu Yue clutches the snow feather zither as she switches it with her white ice sword. She waved her hands, and the atmosphere instantly turned cold and snow started falling. She stayed still as she tried to feel him.

Her eyes widened when she realized that he was actually at her back. He was about to take her down with one strike, but she dodged to the side and blocked his hands. The force sent her a few meters away, making her almost dizzy.

Thankfully, she was used to mastering Hong Fei’s brutal attacks, so she was able to recover quickly. However, her sword was thrown away. Now that both of them were weaponless, the first ranker also had a limp left hand.

With a snap of the first ranker’s fingers, the snow dissipated. His fist was covered with flames, and he started attacking Yu Yue.

Yu Yue was able to exchange moves with him, but she was slowly losing as she suffered from the impact. although she could avoid the direct hit. The force from the impact was still strong. Without using tricks, she might have been thrown out of the ring.

“Puff,” her figure sprawled on the ground, short of breath. When she tried to kick him, her legs were caught, and she was hurled to the ground instead.

“I’ll admit defeat,” she said with a grin as a long sword was pointed at her neck.

She wasn’t sad about losing; she was actually happy that she was making progress. There’s a huge gap in strength between them, but she was able to put up a good fight using everything she learned and her own hard work.

“Up,” the first ranker said briefly as he held his hand to help her up.

“Thanks, senior brother,” Yu Yue beamed as she accepted his help and thanked him.

“If you’re given a few more years, I might not be your opponent,” the first ranker said truthfully.

Although he didn’t go all out on her since he was trying to see through her skills, He was sure that she had a real talent. She’s still very young, but she was already able to put him on edge. Most of his opponents don’t usually last a minute, even if he goes easy on them. He finally understood why Hong Fei accepted her as his disciple. They were all really jealous when they heard the news. Hong Fei has been teaching them, but he never recognizes any of them as disciples except for Hong Chen, which is understandable.

“Senior brother is giving me too much credit,” Yu Yue laughed dismissively.

“Puff-” Before he could reply, though, he spit a mouthful of blood.

“Ah, I totally forgot!” Yu Yue exclaimed embarrassedly as she took out the antidote and quickly helped him take it.

The onlookers look at her weirdly. They all thought she was being intentional.

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