CHAPTER 218: Spared? (3)

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While he was being melancholic, elder Zhou called him out.

"General Chang, the jade empire's troops are about to enter the narrow valley." second elder Zhou said solemnly.

"got that, prepare the troops and do as planned" he snaps out of his daze as his eyes look at the marching troops with burning fire within. 

"heh, that idiot is really an embarrassment to all generals. He actually dared to lead his troops in here, too confident" he sneered when he spotted a person at the very front wearing a gold-plated armor that blinds his troops as he leads them with his nose to the skies.

Once they all entered the narrow valley he gave a signal and the jade moon army activate the traps, with a loud boom, several chaos stones exploded. It was made of compressed death energy and light energy, the two are the opposing element so there would naturally be a reaction when mixed.

With a loud rumbling sound after the explosion, huge rocks and debris started rolling down from atop the two rocky mountains. The valley was covered with clouds of dust and filled with painful shrills. Once the clouds of dust cleared, almost half of the jade empire's troops are either injured or dead.

"cough! Cough! You—arghhh it's actually you surnamed dammed Chang!" the leading general cried in surprise when he saw the familiar figure he long considered dead. His body subconsciously shivered when he thought of what he has done to this person.

"long time no see chi ang. Oh, right it's general chi now." He laughed mockingly as he looks at him up and down. "I see you haven't changed at all from what I remembered you." general chang said as his eye twitch at his unsightly and too lavish getup. He couldn't believe the emperor entrusted the imperial army to this clown.

"w-why are you here? Aren't you dead already?" general chi stuttered in a fluster, he wasn't expecting this turn of events.
"of course, I can't possibly die knowing you're still breathing" he replied coldly, his eyes narrowing with blood thirst.

General chi was stunned before his eyes were filled with ruthlessness, with a harrumph he grinned maliciously. "hmmp, anyways since you deliver yourself to me I'll finish you off for real this time" he snorted as the remaining troops assembled, there are still thirty thousand of them. more than twice the number of the jade moon army.

When he looks at general Chang's troops, he couldn't help himself but choked with laughter. "ahahaha, I thought why were you so brazen? I was even nervous that you came prepared, whoever knows you only show up here to seek death with this bunch. If you beg me for life, I might consider giving you a quick death" he sneered maliciously.

The valley was soon filled with laughter as the troops from the jade empire all laughed as they look at jade moon's army wearing flimsy silk robes instead of iron-plated armor. They look like scholars instead of looking like bloodthirsty soldiers, even general chang himself wasn't wearing heavy armor.

"we will see who's going to beg whom to spare his life" general chang replied with a smirk, with a loud shout, jade moon's army of fifteen thousand started the melee.

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