CHAPTER 349: Cards out (3)

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Zhao An and his companions' eyes changed as they looked at Yu Yue with wonder. They all hoped to be as powerful as she was.

"What are you all doing?" Yu Yue frowned as she noticed their odd behavior.

"Nothing, we're just curious about you," Zhao Beng replied honestly, causing the other two to quiet down.

"Well, there's plenty of time to get to know each other, but I don't think now is the time," Yu Yue grinned carelessly as she used her spirit plant, Little Purple, to wrap the unconscious Tian Wuxian and Xi Xiao Xiao with its leaves.

Watching her carry her friends with ease, like a dumpling, was a little comical, yet they could feel her tenderness.

"Who knew you could use your spirit plant like that?" Zhao Beng commented incredulously. She had expected Yu Yue to carry her friends using her contract beast, but instead, she was carrying them through her spirit plant, almost as if she had grown another pair of hands.

"It would be bumpy. They're injured," Yu Yue replied helplessly. She also didn't want to do this because it looked ridiculous, and if she could, she would have already transported them into the space.

"It actually looks cool, though," Zhao Shen coughed, pulling Zhao Beng to be quiet. He didn't want to become fertilizer if Yu Yue became annoyed.

"Hurry up. It's almost dark and we can't stay here any longer," Zhao An eyed his sister sternly. Although he found her actions both ridiculous and admirable, he kept his thoughts to himself. Despite that, seeing Yu Yue expose so much of her abilities already made him feel complete trust towards her.

"Yu Yue, can we go with you guys until the exams are over? We can also help you look for your other friends," Zhao Shen asked. She had a personal reason for asking, but she also genuinely wanted to help find Yu Yue's friends.

Zhao An had an embarrassed look, remembering how he too had stuck around Yu Yue, but he made no comment.

Zhao Beng clasped her hands and tried to look cute. "Right, we can help you keep watch on them too," she eagerly pointed to the two dumplings.

Yu Yue paused slightly, but she could tell what was going through their minds as they were easy to read.

"I don't mind. Do as you like," she replied with a shrug. She wasn't dense enough to not feel their personal intentions, but she didn't expose them. As long as they didn't want to become Little Purple's nutrients, they should know how to behave themselves. Besides, taking the exams in groups was really convenient.

"Uhm, you're not going to ask us why?" Zhao Shen asked, with a tinge of guilt and curiosity. She knew her intentions were obvious, and even though she was glad with the outcome, she still asked with courage.

"I know for sure you have a personal reason, and that goes for me too, so there's no need to make things awkward," Yu Yue said meaningfully. Even if she was kind, she wouldn't let others take advantage of her easily.

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