CHAPTER 329: murky waters (3)

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Since Sheng Shi Jie injured the crown prince a lot of people are following their every move. However, they didn't dare make a move. They simply keep watched on them until they entered Yu manor.

"How did the interrogation go?" Yu Yue asked seriously when they gathered in the hall noticing the tense atmosphere. She was referring to the two-person from the crown prince and the Liu clan.

"Master, it seems like we underestimated these murky waters in the capital." Hong Mei said with rare seriousness.

"What did you find out?" she asked with a tight frown.

"that shadow lord has hands and feet all over the dragon continent. It's not wrong to say that since more than twenty years ago the powerhouses in the capital have bowed down to him. Now, they have people all over the continent. The assassin's organization is the one truly manipulating everything. The guild master in the northern sky region is the evil poison king, he's also the master of the crown prince and Liu Yan" lady Shan Shou explained what she found out earlier.

"bring those two in, I have something to ask" Yu Yue said briefly, she thought of something.

"yes, master" hong mei replied, unlike before he didn't open a void but instead send someone to get them as Yu Yue ordered to treat them like guests.

"do you need any help?" Sheng Shi Jie asked casually, he just heard them talking when he entered the hall.

"I'll trouble you if the time comes then" Yu Yue smiled, although there was a powerful person on her side she didn't wish to impose on him. Besides, it's not her style to rely on someone.

"hmmm" Sheng Shi Jie smiled good-naturedly, at least she didn't reject him so he was in a good mood. The others watching were speechless.

"How was Xingze? Is that mirror genuine?" Yu Yue asked, she almost forgot about that narcissistic friend of hers.

"the phantom mirror was genuine, he's busy exploring its uses" Sheng Shi Jie smiled, the phantom mirror formed a spiritual consciousness and it was such a naughty thing so they encountered a bit of trouble contracting it. But it was nothing for him so he didn't mention that part.

"That's great, thanks for your help" Yu Yue said sincerely.

"If you're really sincere, why don't we get married?" he whispered that part with a sly, he's been vocal with his intentions but Yu Yue subtly drop the topic every time.

"you're really shameless" Yu Yue kicked him away, her face blushing uncontrollably.

The others pretended not to see anything even though they wish they could just gauge their eyes out. They're already used to seeing such scenes where the divine lord takes advantage of their master. But he was always rejected, they felt sympathetic towards him but he would scowl at them all the time so they choose to ignore such things anymore.

Such was the scene when Du Hua and Qing Yu arrived. They thought they would be disposed of after being interrogated but they were treated like a guest instead. They're smart individuals so they both came to the same conclusion.

Anyways, they have never been tortured brutally since they were caught. 

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