Chapter 375: white crystal marble (3)

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Tian Shi took her leave after some time; she didn’t want to catch their depression, and she had to do something very important.

She sent a message to Hua Lin, and a few days later, Hong Mei arrived.

“It’s under the emperor’s study,” Hong Mei giggled.

“Let’s go,” Tian Shi says lightly as they pass through the barriers effortlessly.

Hong Mei’s hell butterflies help them find the whereabouts of the white crystal marbles. They could travel through space just like Hong Mei, so they could get through high-level arrays easily.

“There are so many of them too,” Hong Mei said excitedly.

“Oh, the master would be pleased.” Tian Shi was also excited.

“Don’t forget to pin the crime to the Liu clan,” Hong Mei smiled murderously.

“Oh, did you feel it?” Tian Shi paused; she just felt a powerful pressure.

“Yeah, it must be that person guarding this place.” Hong Mei’s eyes lit up.

“Can you deal with it?” Tian Shi raised her brows.

“Don’t worry about it; just don’t leave anything behind,” he laughs as he stays behind to face the opponent.

“You guys have big guts, not bad though. You actually managed to get here without being noticed; too bad for you since you met me?” a guy with vicious eyes and dark nails laughs wildly.

“Really?” Hong Mei beamed, his eyes flashing with craziness. He couldn’t contain the excitement anymore as his nails grew longer and dark veins were all over his hands. His eyes also turned red, and his aura turned really menacing.

“Puffed-up” with a quick bang, the wild guy was slapped to the ground.

“Hehehe, finally I meet a worthy opponent,” the guy said, laughing as his eyes also reddened.

“What are you?” Hong Mei knitted his brows. He has a human smell, but he was using demonic powers just like him; he was not half demon like him.

“Hehehe, I’m the Shadow Lord’s greatest creation,” the guy laughs crazily as he dashes towards him.

“Puffed-up” Hong Mei spat some blood. They had exchanged moves for a long time already, and he was shocked because he was able to match his speed and strength.

“So half demons like you are just so so,” the crazy guy laughs arrogantly.

“Hmmp, how could a modified person like you act so arrogantly before me? Let me show you how strong real demons are,” Hong Mei muttered. He had already lost his joking and coquettish personality.

His upper clothes were already torn to pieces, and his face was hidden as his black hair swayed in all directions. The demon aura is suffocating the entire place.

His fingers snapped with a flash, and before the crazy guy could react, his body was cut into several pieces. Blood spurted everywhere as his flesh was neatly cut and scattered all over the ground.

“What the greatest creation, don’t insult me,” he scoffed distastefully as he dissapeared in place.

“Oh, he was actually able to force you this much,” Tian Shi said, narrowing her eyes. That was concerning and unprecedented.

Hong Mei also understood the seriousness of this matter; even though he managed to take down that guy, it might not be the same for others.

“What is this place?” Hong Mei was stunned.

“I believed you had already encountered one of them,” Tian Shi said.

“We need to quickly inform the master,” he said decisively.

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