CHAPTER 341: Zhao An (1)

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"you, how could you defeat those cannibal bats?" Zhao An asked ignoring the fact that he was just indirectly labeled as a guard the moment he came here.

"what do you mean? Aren't you watching in the dark?" Yu Yue asked rhetorically. She's not stupid enough to divulge her secrets to strangers even if he only shows curiosity at the moment.

Zhao An was embarrassed, he indeed feels a little guilty. His eyes flashed a little, he knows he wasn't strong enough even with his strength. It wasn't enough, so he decided in his heart to stick around this young lady. Perhaps, he could improve his strength if he encountered an opportunity. Inexplicably, he simply feels like by following her around he would gain something unexpected so he didn't mind demoting his status to a guard.

"What are you looking at? Aren't you leaving?" Yu Yue felt goosebumps all over when she saw his fiery eyes. Somewhat, she has a bad premonition so she should part ways with this guy as soon as possible.

"Why don't you let me follow you around for the time being? You already made use of me as your guard anyways so no big deal" he smirks cunningly seeing her ugly expression.


Yu Yue and the two little fellas gawked at him speechlessly. Their shamelessness just rebounded ten times more, making them feel incredulous.

"do whatever you like as long as you won't get in my way" she shrugged as she started walking away. She already tried to keep him away to no effect so she gave up. Anyways it wasn't too bad to have another person accompanying her to complete this exam. She's just annoyed that she couldn't get in the space as she likes.

"I will and I won't, rest assured" Zhao An grinned, making Yu Yue almost dizzy.


They have been wandering together for more than a week and they haven't met a single person yet. They only encountered a horde of spirit beasts and demonic beasts.

"by the way, can we take anything from here?" Yu Yue casually asked as she picked medicinal herbs from time to time.

"Yeah, you can take anything you want here as long as you could." Zhao An raised his brows amusedly, he was wondering all the way what kind of a person she is and he still can't figure her out. One thing is for sure though, he didn't dare look down on her.

"hehe good to know, I won't be polite then." Yu Yue laugh happily as she ravaged the medicinal plants and other treasures she stumbled upon.

"don't move" suddenly they heard a loud shout and a scream reverberated.

Before Yu Yue could say anything, Zhao An quickly move in that direction. he was too familiar with that screaming voice.

Yu Yue didn't intend to follow as she couldn't be bothered so she keeps plucking the medicinal plants leisurely. She didn't feel like minding others' business too so she casually sang a tune.

Compared to her leisurely attitude, on the other side when Zhao An arrives he just so happens to see his cousin being kicked behind the knee and forcibly made to kneel in front of Gu Lin. She looks really sorry, there's also a glaring handprint on both sides of her cheeks with blood spilling from her mouth.

On the other side, a severely injured Zhao Beng lay on the ground motionlessly.

"Zhao Shen, Zhao Beng" Zhao An's anger erupted, he should have killed that Gu Lin scum long ago. If only he was not scared of dragging his entire clan he would have long ago beat this scum. 

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