Chapter 384: Sky Fairy (1)

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Si Xiao Xiao’s opponent was the fifth ranker; she was known as the sky fairy.

There was a veil covering half of her lips, even though they could only see part of her face around her eyes. They could tell she was definitely a beauty; her eyes sparkled with charm. Her slim figure was enchanting; she looked perfect from any angle.

She indeed looks like a fairy with her light blue dress sitting on her gold-glazed feather, a high-grade flying artifact.

“Hey, hey. I’ll bet one thousand high-grade crystals that the sky fairy would win this round,” a male student said enthusiastically.

“Me too; I’ll bet that our sky fairy will win this round,” another one agreed with a flushed face.

On the other hand, Si Xiao Xiao also has fans from the pill cloud peak. After all, she was a genius alchemist, and young alchemists look up to her.

“Sister Xiao, we are rooting for you,” some juniors cheered loudly, making Si Xiao Xiao gain some confidence as she nodded to them shyly.

The sky fairy, on the other hand, was a cold beauty; she didn’t say anything or react to anything until the battle began.

“I acknowledge your talents, junior sister; I’ll give you the chance to strike first,” she said softly; only Si Xiao Xiao heard her soft voice. Her voice wasn’t what you would expect to hear from an ice beauty, which is really surprising.

“Then I won’t hold back, senior sister.” Si Xiao Xiao was stunned at first, but she didn’t reject her.

“Let’s do our best.” There was a smile in her eyes, but no one could tell if she was really smiling.

“Oh, she’s actually excited,” the second ranker said, looking at the first ranker for his opinion.

The first ranker’s eyes flickered as he finally opened them to observe the battle for the first time. It wasn’t new to the second ranker, as he kept on babbling despite getting the cold shoulder.

Si Xiao Xiao pulled out her flexible sword and started attacking directly.

Sky Fairy waved her sleeves, and her gold glaze feather retracted, forming a feather sword to block the attack.

“Oh, interesting,” the second ranker’s eyes shone as he witnessed two flexible swords clash with each other.

Si Xiao Xiao was also taken aback; she didn’t expect such a thing as well. The feather sword was too soft, more like a whip; when it clashed with her snake sword, it gently rebounded her attacks.

The rebound almost injured her, and Sky Fairy was also stunned. They both have somewhat similar techniques, and they both suffered from recoil. Si xiao xiao moves like a snake, and Sky Fairy withdrew like a feather, dancing lightly.

They then both bounced back for another attack. However, everyone gasped as two heads of a snake came out of Si Xiao Xiao’s sleeves and bit Sky Fairy’s legs as their swords coiled around each other. They were aiming for her hands, but she quickly reacted and tried to kick them away.

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