CHAPTER 327: murky waters (1)

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Almost more than half of the items were already auctioned but both Yu Yue and Liu Yan's rooms were quiet once again as if the scene earlier didn't just happen. This allows the other bidders to actually have the opportunity to fight for their bids.

"at this time, for our final items, we have one of the rare medicinal herbs the green jade flower which could repair severe broken tendons of old injuries. You all know it's a lifesaver so I won't say more, the bids start at 100,000 high-grade crystals." The auctioneer said full of genuine excitement as he personally took out the jade box containing the green jade flower and showed it to everyone.

The alchemist was boiling with excitement as they all rush near the stage to confirm the medicinal herb. Soon enough they started fighting over it crazily as they threw their life savings away.

"700,000 high-grade crystals..." an old man pulled his beard with bloodshot eyes exasperatedly.

"750,000 high-grade crystals..." another old man who seemed to be from the alchemist guild also have bloodshot eyes as he pulled his hair crazily.

Such a scene made yu yue and the others speechless. However, she's not in the mood to admire their silliness as she also needs to obtain that green jade flower.

Before she could make a bid though, the crown prince's threatening voice rang. "800, 000 high-grade crystals"

The two old men were stunned, they hesitated but still made another bid.

"850,000" the old man who pulled his beard earlier bids.

"900,000" the old man who pulled his hair earlier also bids.

"1,000,000 high-grade crystals, master Jie and master Wei. Please give this crown prince some face, my master specifically asked me to get this green jade flower for him" before the two could react the crown prince followed his bid with a cold warning.

"since the crown prince's face is just worth so so, I should add more value for you... 2,000,000 high-grade crystals" before the auctioneer could say anything after a long pause of silence, a jeering voice from a charming man reverberated. Making everyone snap out of their senses as their face with weird expressions were all pointing in the same direction, room number 3. 

"very good, jade moon palace. I remember this" the crown prince gritted his teeth angrily. He's never been so embarrassed before, since this jade moon palace appears they keep causing trouble with him again and again. At first, they captured his subordinates, and now they actually fought with him for this green jade flower.

With a thought he didn't make a bet anymore, since they want it they should pay it for him. This way he could collect some interests first.

Anyways, none of these people are stronger than his guards except for Hua Ling so he wasn't worried at all even though he was wary of the force behind them who suddenly appears out of nowhere. Until now he still couldn't find something about them, he's been sending people now and then but none of them returned alive.

"two million high-grade crystals going once, going twice, going thrice..." the auctioneer said cheerfully, his smile reaching his ears.

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