CHAPTER 352: Meeting up (3)

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“Yu Yue, I miss the things you cook so much,” De Han beams at Yu Yue when she gets to their side.
“Are you sure that’s what you should be worrying about right now?” She retorted exasperatedly. 
“Hehe, I don’t have to worry about anything since you are all here now,” he replied smugly, as he leaned on a tree to rest. 
"..."  Yu Yue just looked at him idiotically without saying anything. She’s not sure if she should be glad or what she should feel. 
“Ahem, you should have a sense of danger." "You can’t be reckless around here.” tian wuxian was reprimanded instead. He never knew why he made friends with these people in the first place. 
“alright, alright.   We know we are wrong this time. "Just help us get back at them—” Hai Xingze waved dismissively as he took his mirror to check his swollen face. 
“Ahhh!  This is blasphemy! He was stunned to see his own reflection, making everyone’s lips twitch. 
“I kind of regret helping you guys,” Si Xiao Xiao exclaimed in disbelief. 
On the other side, the three look at this group of oddballs who are busy catching up and are not really worried that a horde of beasts is slowly inching towards them with menacingly. 
Zhao Beng has the look of, "Are you guys sure you’re going to keep this fiasco up?"
She could no longer contain herself as she slightly shook Yuyue’s arms and whispered at her. “Uhm, I hate to say this, but are you sure they are okay?” 
"I hate to break it to you, but that’s how they are usually,” Yu Yue whispered back sheepishly.
“Alright, enough with your act." I think the repelling powder’s effect will be gone soon. "Prepare for a fight,” tian wuxin narrowed his eyes. He didn’t expect this whole thing to be this serious, as endless spirit beasts already surround them, making it even impossible for a fly to escape. 
“Yu yue, are you guys sure we shouldn’t escape?” Zhao Shen asked tentatively. 
“No need, we need more points and have gained more experience,” Yu Yue replied with a sly smile before taking out her white ice sword. 
“Take it as your training,” Zhao An understands Yu Yue’s point, so he added as he also took out his weapon. 
Zhao Shen and Zhao Beng nodded at each other as they also took their weapons out. Zhao Shen uses a whip with a sharp black sting blade at the tip. Zhao Beng wielded a bow; they’re both not good with close-quarters combat, so they were together with Hai Xingze at the back to provide support. 
“Yu yue, those monkeys are difficult to deal with." Those snakes are highly poisonous, and the spiders are quite sneaky too. "The rest aren’t much,” Zhuang Lan informed her as he dealt with one of the black spiders. 
“Alright, you guys be careful,” she said seriously. She decided to use her own strength this time. 
With that, they formed a formation. Hai Xingze, Zhao Shen, and Zhao Beng stayed in the center. The others then formed a circle around them. 

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