CHAPTER 346: To the rescue (3)

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Without warning, the five of them quickly arrived in the chaotic scene.

It wasn’t long until Yu Yue saw a group of people surrounding Si Xiao Xiao and Tian Wuxian. The anger in her heart couldn’t be describe when she saw them in a sorry state.

“Xiao’er!” Yu Yue couldn’t help but shout when she saw someone tried to catch her off guard. However, she was too late. The guy caught her already, he pointed the tip of his poisoned dagger to her neck.

“hehe, you guys are quite strong. Too bad though, if you don’t want her to die- Arghhhhh!” before he could finish speaking two silver needles hit his arms and the next thing, he knows the dagger he was holding fall to the ground. His hand also falls to his side limply.

“Yu Yue, you’re finally here. These people sealed away our contract beasts.” She quickly pointed to a person holding something squirming in a round ball wrapped in a glowing golden fabric.

“what is that thing?” Yu Yue asked with raised brows.

“we don’t know, but its an artifact that could seal away spirit beasts.” Tian Wuxian said as he wipes the blood at corner of his  lips as he stood beside Xiao Xiao after severely injuring his enemies. 

“Yu Yue, I’m not leaving without my snakes” Xiao Xiao cough helplessly.

Yu Yue narrowed her eyes coldly as she eyed the enemy. They’re a group of dozen people, their cultivation is slightly higher than Tian Wuxian and Si Xiao Xiao. If not for the things Yu Yue give them they might not be able to hold on until now.

“brother, I want that yin yang beasts” the young woman beside the young man who watched from the sides disinterestedly finally spoke with glint in her eyes as she eyed the fluffy and shiny fur while touching the white fox fur around her neck.

“why did they attack you guys?” Yu Yue ignored her remarks and talk to Tian Wuxian and Xiao Xiao instead.

“for some reason, they could see through my physique” Si Xiao Xiao look at the ground uncomfortably, she really doesn’t like talking about it. she had almost forgotten about it ever since she have the jade pendant.

Yu Yue’s eyes was shocked, she never thought such thing could happen. She has high confidence on that jade pendant.

‘butler white, what’s going on?’ Yu Yue asked in puzzlement.

‘well, if there are treasures that could conceal something, there’s definitely also something that could see through something.’ He answered vaguely, making Yu Yue even quieter.

‘can you see through that young man’s strength? And that elder too?’ she asked with the intention to kill these people.

‘yeah and you guys can’t defeat them’ he said bluntly making her tensed up.

‘how about escaping?’ she thought, but her heart was bent on getting rid of them for good.

As though sensing the changes in her thoughts, the elder sneered at them. “Looking for an escape, eh?” the corner of his lips raised in amusement like a predator.

“elder, stop wasting time with these ants from the dragon continent. We have important things to do. Take that woman away and kill the others. They’re of no use to us anyways.” The young master said coldly without even glancing at them as he ordered.

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