CHAPTER 356: Last dragon egg (1)

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“What?!” Zhao Beng explained; she just realized she could possibly die earlier.

“Are you really guys from this continent?” Zhao couldn’t help asking anymore; the moment he followed Yu Yue, his world views were constantly refreshed.

“Hehehe, you can say it like that, but it’s also not quite like that.” Hai Xingze smiled mysteriously.

"It seems like I can only get an answer if I ask her directly,” he said out loud in understanding.

"But big brother, we should also tell them anything," Zhao Beng said directly to his mind.

‘I know; I intend to do that later. "Of course, we already saw their capabilities," he replied in the same manner.

"But can we really bet on them?’ she asked anxiously.

"We can only give it a try; our clan will be annihilated either way." We don’t have much time to find allies to fight against the empire, or else everyone in this region and, at worst, the entire dragon continent will be wiped out. We can’t let that happen, even if we are slowly losing a foothold. Just like the Ming clan, the empire is slowly getting rid of the clans that don’t favor its major decisions," he replied with a troubled sigh. Things were not really going in their favor. They still have the Gu clan to deal with.

"But sister Shen is... I’m not sure if we could still rely on her, Zhao Beng pointed out.

"We can only hope so," he replied before keeping quiet.

“Yu yue, am I a fiend now?” Zhao Shen asked with cold eyes. She no longer has any human emotions; the only thing that remains in her heart is the strong desire to murder to avenge her father.

“Yes, you are. Do you wish to keep living?” Yu Yue asked between breaths.

“Of course, I don’t care what I’ve become as long as I can get my revenge,” she said with determined eyes.

“Very good. What would you like to do now?” She asked out of curiosity.

“Since I owe you my life twice now, I can do anything for you. Just let me have my revenge first. Before that, let me tell you everything,” she said while looking straight into her eyes.

“also our intentions by following you guys." At this time, Zhao Shen came back and couldn’t help but join their conversation after noticing that Zhao Shen was really fine.

“brother An I..." Zhao Shen called, but her voice wasn’t as emotional as it used to be.

“It’s good that you’re fine; there’s nothing much more important than that.” He smiled at her with genuine relief, not minding how she turned out to be. Besides, aside from the fact that her aura has a tinge of maliciousness to it, she still looks the same, except she’s not emotional like she used to be.

“I’m so sorry; I couldn’t keep my promise to stay sane,” she said with the slightest trace of apology in her face she could muster.

“I thought you were going to leave us, sister Shen,” Zhao Beng cried, hugging Zhao Shen directly.

Zhao Shen was stunned, but she just let her hug her like they used to.

“Alright, you two, that’s enough. They need rest, and we also have to move away from this place,” Zhao An interrupted them as he started helping Yu Yue and the others with a pill as they were too exhausted to move.

“ahem, right. "Let’s help them out here.” Zhao Beng coughed in embarrassment; she didn’t mean to be so inconsiderate. She was just too worried for Zhao Shen.

“Yu Yue"  and the others look at her speechlessly, making her plump white cheeks flush red.

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