Chapter 388: First Ranker (1)

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Yu Yue was the next one to step onto the stage.

She looked at the number she had drawn with a sighed. Of all the people, she had to pick the first ranker.

“Look, that little girl has the guts to even step on stage,” someone jeered.

“Right, if it were me, I would have conceded defeat immediately,” someone laughs, making Si Xiao Xiao and the others annoyed.

“Hmmp, how dare those fools bellitle our Yu Yue?” Hong Chen stopped eating as he eyed them menacingly, to no effect. He looks like a cute glutton instead.

“Heh, let them be. Their eyes will be opened wide once they witness how talented our Yu Yue is,” de Han added as he also eyed those guys who spoke ill of Yu Yue. The others didn’t say anything, but they’re dissatisfied as well.

The first ranker opened his eyes and looked at the petite young lady in front of him. He could see through her real cultivation. Although she was particularly strong for her age, it wasn’t enough to defeat him. What surprised him, though, was that she didn’t even cower or show any hints of timidity.

“If you won’t admit defeat, I won’t go light on you once we started fighting,” he reminded her kindly. He thought she was like any other young lady.

“Then I’ll exchange pointers with my senior brother to learn more,” she said politely.

“Alright,” he replied after a pause, trying to see through her if she was just being pretentious and didn’t want to lose face. Seeing that she really meant it, he accepted.

Hearing their conversation, several people laughed, several people went quiet, and some were excited to see her embarrass herself.

Before they could say more, the stage master announced the start of their battle as the sound of a gong started.

Yu Yue thought for a while before taking her snow feather zither; fighting people stronger than her directly is a death wish. As much as she would like to test her martial arts, she didn’t want to embarrass herself by losing in the first round, even if she would still lose at the end.

“Huh? Sound attacks? There are few of them these days. This is exciting at the very least; I thought it was going to be really boring when you already know the end result,” the second ranker cheered excitedly, as though anticipating to see Yu Yue perform some tricks.

Yu Yue almost choked as she retreated a good distance with a strum of her fingers. The soothing sound of the zither reverberated, and people with lower cultivation started feeling dizzy already.

The first ranker noticed the oddity, and his eyes brightened. He never expected this young lady to be quite skilled.

“Clang! Clang! Clang!” sound attacks started whirling towards the first ranker; his cultivation was really strong, so Yu Yue’s attacks were just like scratching his itch.

However, the next moment, he finally took out his sword as icicles started raining on him. There are also wind blades that, from time to time, manage to cut his skin.

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