CHAPTER 284: little prince (1)

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Since Yu Yue has still a month and was left with nothing better to do aside from teasing her little nephew, she decided to visit the bright moon palace and the outer region. on the way, they tour around the arctic region first. She didn't have the chance to visit the Qiuling kingdom and Bai An kingdom before.

Aside from her friends, Sheng Shi Jie and crown prince Huang Jian also came with them this time. They quickly get familiar with each other and hit it off. He actually become an idol in their hearts, and they couldn't help themselves from asking for pointers every now and then.

On this grand visit, Yu Yue shamelessly borrowed Hua'ers airship. 

Qiuling kingdom is the nearest kingdom after exiting the green mist forest so they quietly landed outside the capital and started exploring.

When they get there they immediately caught the attention of the passersby.

Little fatty suddenly clenched his fists tightly when they passed a restaurant called Tian Cai restaurant. Yu Yue then immediately recalled the scene they first meet each other about seven years ago. 

"Hey, what's wrong? Didn't you just say you're hungry? Why aren't you getting in?" Tian Wuxian noticed his odd expression and ask.

"Remember when I told you about how we first met?" Yu Yue answered on his behalf.  Although it's the Tian Cai restaurant in the mercenary city, it was owned by the same person.

"ahhh, you mean..." the others finally caught on.

"Exactly, the same Tian Cai restaurant" she nodded lightly.

"Should we destroy this place?" Huang Xin asked excitedly as she clasps her hands.

"..." everyone looks at Tian Cai restaurant silently conveying their best wishes.

Huang Jian heard her so he mercilessly smacks her head. How could his younger sister be so destructive and wild?

Her voice wasn't low when she said that so they immediately attracted the crowd's attention even more. They murmured to each other and started gossiping.
Someone couldn't help but sneer mockingly.

"she must be a country bumpkin; she dares to say to destroy Tian Cai restaurant. Hahaha she must be trying to gain his highness's attention" a young lady said jeeringly, she has a thing for the second prince so she intentionally said this loudly when she saw the second prince's carriage just stop by in front of the restaurant.

"right, just because she's beautiful she must have been hallucinating that second prince would forgive her just like that" another young lady added.

"shh, the second prince just arrive" the gossipers murmured as they watch the drama unfold.

"..." Yu Yue and the others were just wondering why they were suddenly targeted.

The second prince was satisfied when everyone finally noticed his arrival. He fixes his hair before stepping out of the carriage elegantly. His nose was pointing to the sky so he accidentally trips his toes, thankfully he quickly regained his balance.

"..." the crowd turned their heads away pretending to see nothing.

"pfft- hahaha-pftt" yu yue's group on the other hand could barely contain their laughter.

The second prince's cheeks flushed, when he heard their laughter he could feel his face burning so he glared at them angrily out of embarrassment.

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