CHAPTER 265: swatting a fly (1)

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On the other side, Yu San and Yu Si was facing the cloud heaven sect's disciples. They also coincidentally found their sand tower so they couldn't just turn a blind eye right?

The battle didn't last long with two spirit plants at once, their sand tower was destroyed without much fight.

The two of them destroyed seven sand towers. After five hours, together with Huang Xin, they destroyed a total of thirteen sand towers. The crowd trembled at their destructive force, they actually managed to earn so many points in this round.

From the tenth place they move up to fifth place directly, the other sects couldn't keep their cool anymore. They have to give their best in the third competition. It's their only chance to move their ranks now. So after the break, the sect masters were all busy ensuring the condition of their participants for the third competition.

After Yu Yue exhausted her mental strength yesterday she didn't dare to do something reckless today because it might affect her performance.

She told everyone to keep their teleportation talisman to themselves just in case.

After an hour of break, the third round started. Ten participants from each sect would be participating individually. 

Since there are many participants they were placed randomly after they entered the arena. The situation this time is similar to the second part of the second round where the battleground is situated in a village. However, the village this time isn't made of sand, it's more detailed this time compared to the streets of the cloud river city.

Since the participants were placed randomly the moment they entered they have to take down anyone from other sects that they meet on the streets. Same rule as the previous rounds, killing is strictly prohibited.

"in this round whoever could eliminate more people from the arena would get more points. Each participant is worth one point only as there are many participants. Aside from killing their opponents, the participants are not allowed to use external help like pills, contact beasts, spirit plants, and other recovery drugs and potions. Once you lose you can crush your jade tokens and will be instantly teleported out of the arena" The host reminded kindly as the arena was surrounded by a protective barrier to protect the spectators.

After the countdown of three, the battle officially begins.

Aside from De Han, Xiao Xiao, Tian Wuxian, Hai Xingze, Zhuang Lan, Chang Wen, Yu Yi, yu er, and Yu Yue, there's Little Five from the white army.

Once Yu Yue entered the arena she was teleported to an empty street. She shook the red fan lightly as she waltzes the street in a carefree manner. She could feel eyes eyeing her so she deliberately stands in the open.

"Since you guys are being shy; I won't be polite" after speaking she unfolded her celestial fan and the sky was immediately filled with icicles that poured down like rain.

Out of the five people whose eyeing her, two of them were instantly teleported out. The three remaining one was able to react on time and avoid all of her icicles.

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