CHAPTER 211: I'm your aunt (2)

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Yu Yue was stunned, she was mesmerized by her. 

The young lady went to the emperor's side as she sobbed uncontrollably.

"Zi'er, why did you come here? Didn't I tell you to stay in the lake house?" the emperor widened his eyes as he looks at Yu Yue guardedly, he even stops shrieking and scratching his body.  He tried to protect his daughter behind his back disregarding his itchy feeling.

The young lady disregarded his warning as she looks at Yu Yue pitifully, she then muttered timidly. "I-I know where the treasure room is, if I'll give you all the treasures inside would you really let my father go?" she asked while trembling in a sobbing fit.

Yu yue's interest was gone, and for some reason, she felt guilty. She thought it was weird but she didn't pursue the matter anymore, instead, her eyes narrowed as she eyed her intently with a profound smile.

Shui Xian Zi trembled under yu yue's gaze, she shifts her body uncomfortably. The emperor also noticed her profound smile and he instantly gets terrified, "what are you looking at?" he fakes his bravery to protect his daughter.

Yu yue's smile gets even deeper as she looks at the emperor's protective stance teasingly, butler white told her that there's more to this mentally ill princess.

"Forget it, I don't want your treasures anymore" Yu Yue sighed as she paused, the emperor's face was confused before it lit up in realization.

"R-really?" he asked cautiously, afraid that Yu Yue might take back her words if she saw his treasure room. He only loves three things in his life, his daughter, his wife, and his treasures.

"hmm, but instead..." his delightful heart started to fall apart once again when he heard yu yue's trailed-off words. He suddenly feels uneasy as his heart stops beating.

"W-what is it?" he asked in a small voice.

"I'll have this princess in exchange" she smiled sweetly, but it chilled the emperor's heart.

"NO WAY! I WON'T AGREE!" the emperor shouted defensively as he tried to push his daughter away, he place himself in yu yue's front and spread his arms blocking Zi'ers sight.

"Fine, but don't harm anyone from here" Shui Xian Zi agreed readily.

"deal" Yu Yue put her thumbs up approvingly, the emperor and the mentally Ill princess didn't get it.

The emperor froze. "what are you doing? Go back and escape from here quickly" he thundered urgently as his body trembled anxiously.

"hehe, she already agreed on her own. Your opinion doesn't count" Yu Yue grinned, she was doing this to punish him. She already figured it out, this man is just greedy and was easily swayed by those men in black robes. She would take away what he treasured the most to teach him a lesson.

The emperor's face loses all color; he gathered his courage as he dashed in Yu Yue's direction with a determined cry.

Yu Yue was amused by him, but she was also moved by his fatherly love for his daughter. Before the emperor's body collides with her, a needle shoots out quickly and he feels down.

"Y-you promised not to harm anyone" Shui Xian Zi cried aggrievedly.

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