Chapter 392: Academy's Mission (1)

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A few days later, the academy summoned the top twenty rankers suddenly.

“Why do you think we were called for?” Si Xiao Xiao asked tentatively.

There must be something relating to the rumors regarding the modified humans,” Tian Wuxian guessed.

“Might be the case; what good timing, though. I was just planning to take a leave. We have been here for a while, and our information is a little updated.” Yu Yue squinted her eyes.

“Well, they haven’t contacted us yet. I think they are doing all right,” de Han said solemnly.

“Right!” The others also agreed.

When they arrived, the others were already there, and they were a little surprised to see the grandmaster. He has already appeared three times this year, which is really rare.

“Grandmaster, you’re here too?” the second ranker mused curiously.

“Hehe, I’m here to see all of you.” The grandmaster nodded in satisfaction as he appraised them one by one.

Everyone settled down as their hearts throbbed with anxiety. They were right, though, as the president’s next word hits them.

“You’re all here today to be deployed to investigate matters concerning the dragon plains,” the president said solemnly, making everyone tense.

“President He, we have heard the rumors regarding the matters with the Dragon Plains. Can you please give us more information?”

“I only know what you all know, so you have to find out the rest by yourselves. This mission is just another part as you head towards the western sun region to participate in the upcoming dragon academy competition,” the president added.

“What? They won’t cancel the event? Even under these circumstances?” the third ranker gasped exasperatedly.

“Well, the dragon academy competition is really important. We have to participate even more as we already lost last year,” the grandmaster sighed this time. If he has to choose, he won’t send them there at all.

“I know that this will be dangerous, but this is also an opportunity for you to grow. Though you won’t be forced to participate, we will give the spot to the next ranker,” the grandmaster said lowly.

“Hmm, we all know the responsibilities our position holds. We won’t back down; that’s pathetic, so don’t tell us to do so; it doesn’t suit you,” the little girl harrumphed as she said haughtily. No one refuted her, though, as they all shared the same sentiments.

“I already told you not to talk like that to the grandmaster.” The fiery cloud peak master’s face flushed with embarrassment as he dragged his daughter back.

“What? I didn’t say anything wrong; he was usually very childish. Why act like an adult now?” she muttered stubbornly.

“Ahhh, I don’t know what to do with you. Grandmaster Rong, please spare my daughter. I’ll be sure to discipline her properly.” The fiery cloud peak master bowed apologetically, his body visibly trembling.

On the other hand, the grandmaster was stunned before he laughed out loud. Everyone thought he must have gone crazy from his anger.

“Hahahaha, your daughter is right. By doing this, I’m doing a disservice to our academy,” the grandmaster laughed as he was finally back to his carefree demeanor.

The others were watching speechlessly; they were holding their breath for fear of their lives. They were not expecting this outcome at all.

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