Spidey's Super-Sleepover

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I'm so sorry it's been so long, guys! Weeks have been going past in blinks, and starting school again has had me so distracted.

Anyway, there aren't any No-Way-Home spoilers in this fic (though, I did finally watch it... just, wow). However, I also did get around to watching the Nertflix Marvel TV shows, so the defenders might make a brief appearance. Regardless, everyone's in there late-teens/early-twenties here.

Ships: Shurichelle, IronStrange

Warnings: Swearing, party-related things, underage drinking (both with and without consent to consume the alcohol, but nothing dangerous), and mentions of Putin.


Sometimes, Peter had ideas stemming from evidence and prior knowledge, each with the ability to be perfected by precision and planning. Other times, he dreamt them up in a sugar induced mini-coma.

This was an example of the second time.

Waking up in what could only be described as a paddling pool full of popcorn, biodegradable confetti, and lego figures, Peter knew exactly what he wanted to do that day.

Throw a sleepover party.

However, when you live in a tower full of super humans, assassins, gods, and whatever Tony was (no human could go that long without sleep and still function), one can't simply have a sleepover out of the blue. Not without permission, at least.

Thus, Peter knew exactly who to ask, and how he was going to ask it to get his way.

"You look so young today, Dr Dad!" Peter announced after bounding into the kitchen. His eyes were wide and innocent, trying to hide his internal scheming as he looked at one of his fathers.

Stephen paused visibly, lowering a cup of tea from his lips. "What do you want?"

Peter sent him a bright, loving smile. "Oh, nothing much. Just permission to have a few friends sleepover, and money to go buy supplies...?"

The sorcerer stared at his son for a long moment, leaning back in his chair. "How young?"

"Not a day over twenty-six," Spider-Man replied instantly.

"Tony keeps his spare cash in the Lightning McQueen money-tin in our bedroom. Take whatever you want," Stephen said, taking a sip of his tea with a self-satisfied smile.

Peter whooped loudly, punching his fist into the air. "Fuck yeah!"

He disappeared in an instant, heading towards his other father's bedroom. He had so many things he needed to collect before that evenings events, but he also needed to invite everyone.

Thus, he would need a bit of help. Three bits of help, to be specific.


"Run that by me again," MJ said, raising an eyebrow at her friend.

"I need you to pick up my life-size Thanos piñata and fill it with candy while Ned drives to Mexico to get fireworks, and Shuri steals a slurpee machine from 7/11," Peter replied nonchalantly.

Shuri cackled from her place an the couch, clasping her hands together with a near maniacal grin. "I'm so in!"

"Ned?" MJ questioned, turning away from her girlfriend and towards her other friend (hopefully the only other sane person here).

Ned simply shrugged. "I don't see how this could go wrong."

"I'm surrounded by idiots," MJ huffed, but it was clear that she was more amused than annoyed.

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