Spiderfrost Part 2

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I really wasn't planning to make a part 2 but @Lanime61 suggested that I write one and gave me an idea about how they should act so you can thank her/him/them.

I'm struggling with a dozen assessments that I'm hoping will just disappear if I leave them long enough. I had a lot of fun writing this while I should have been studying so yay me with priorities.

I had no idea how to end it so don't kill me.

Ships: IronStrange, SpiderFrost (it's okay because in this story Peter is 16 and Loki is 16,000 and 1 Midgardian year equals 1,000 Asgardian years), Stucky

Warning: SpiderFrost (if you don't like it then please skip this chapter), Swearing

Tony stared at Loki in shock before snapping out of it.

"What the fuck?!" He shouted, swishing his arms in the air like he was an insane bird, aka Clint.

Frigga, who didn't find anything wrong with what just happened, tackled her adoptive son into a hug. "My baby's getting married!"

The Allfather had a look of pure shock covering his face. The only thing that stopped him from standing as still as a statue with his mouth gaped, was a loud bang.

Thor had fainted from shock, going down like a giant blonde tree.

The rest of the Avengers looked at the scene in amusment.

Just as Tony thought things couldn't get worse a large portal opened in the middle of the throne room and his husband stepped out.

"Anthony Stark-Strange, what is the ONE thing i told you NOT to let Peter do?!" He yelled, floating dramatically with his cape drapped over his shoulders.

"Not to let Peter get married to Asgardian royalty." Tony mumbled looking at his very expensive shoes.

Stephen glowered down at him. "I didn't hear you!"

"Not to let Peter get married to Asgardian royalty." Tony said much louder.

Clint snickered making Natasha hit him upside the head. Steve was rather confused while Bucky looked like he wanted to threaten Loki into not hurting Peter.

Bruce was more intent on reading the book his face was stuck in.

"Y-You can't marry the Midgardian!" Odin stuttered, horrified at the thought.

Loki glared at his adoptive father, still being hugged to death. "I do what i want!"

"B-but! B-but! B-but!" Spluttered the king of Asgard.

Frigga stopped squeezing he life out of her child. "Did you not just hear him? He does what he wants!"

"Besides, I want grandkids!" The Allmother yelled, a happy smile covering her face.

In another part of the universe, this part being Midgard, Peter Stark-Strange ran through the halls of his school.

A lot of staff members gave him strange looks because he was meant to be away sick. His parents had called him in 'sick' that morning so that he could go to Asgard, not that the people in his school knew that.

It was the middle of last period so all the students were in class, meaning he had to interupt a class to find his friends.

He stormed past locker after locker until he reached room 126, the science classroom.

As quickly as he could he slammed the door open, scaring the ocuppance of the classroom.

"Ned! MJ! I'm getting fucking married!" He shouted entering the classroom, only to realise he was in the wrong room.

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