This chapter is a request from @JustABunchOfAnxiety who's username is such a mood!The song is up above!
Ships: Stony, Spideypool
Warnings: Swearing, the cliche cringeyness of everything I write, death/murder
As cliche as it sounds, it all started with an evil scientist hacking into SHIELD. He did a rather messy job at it, only succeeding because everybody was too busy trying to tackle the group of drunk, naked superheroes running around SHIELD headquarters.
Then came parts B through Y of that scientist's strangely long plan to render the Avengers powerless.
This scientist, who looked like an electrocuted version of Albert Einstein, had not only kidnapped Spider-Man, but also Deadpool, the Avengers, and Nick Fury.
None of those heroes seemed very happy over this, or over the fact that they were handcuffed and couldn't use their powers. As for the already powerless heroes, they were feeling rather woozy from the elephant tranquillisers they had all been shot with.
"Did you take my FEELINGS into account before you did this, you rat bastard?!" Bucky shrieked, attempting to break his handcuffs, which, as easily predicted, did not work.
The evil Einstein guy looked up with a grin the Joker would be jealous of. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. If the handcuffs feel too much strain, they'll start pumping chloroform straight into your blood stream."
The heroes all widened their eyes in horror, looking from the handcuffs to their captor.
"Don't look so scared," The scientist showed off his unusually grey teeth, "most people would kill just to have me, THE Doctor Smile, experiment on them."
In sync the heroes all turned looked at him with their best 'Bitch please! Stop lying to yourself!' face.
Doctor Smile ignored them, instead deciding to brag about his incredible plan. "I mean it was so easy to break into the files describing your powers! Then all I had to do was make each of you a special pair of handcuffs in order to cancel out said powers."
Wade Wilson, Steve Stark-Rogers, Tony Stark-Rogers, and Bucky Barns all growled at Doctor Smile, not noticing Spider-Man's reaction.
Peter Stark-Rogers's head snapped up, realising that he would be able to escape the bonds using his other power. A power that nobody knew of.
You see, as cliche as it sounds, Peter had been born with the ability to control people with his voice, specifically through song. Nobody knew of this power, meaning it was not mentioned in his file, mainly because he hated it.
Every single time he had opened his mouth to control people through music, something bad happened to the people around him.
His first grade teacher had fallen down 4 cases of stairs only minutes after Peter had stopped controlling her into giving him a cookie.
He had also accidentally controlled his parents, Mary and Richard Parker, into letting him stay up for 30 minutes past his bedtime. They had died in a plane crash 9 hours later.
Even his old bully, a boy named Max, had been hit by a car after Peter had controlled. That time it was to stopping the spread of fake rumours coming from Max.
Peter hadn't attempted to sing since then, doing anything and everything possible to get out of his mandatory music class.
It was a risk, a risk that probably wasn't worth taking, but Peter was too worried about the giant butchers knife Doctor Smile was sharpening to care.

Crazy Super-Gay Peter Parker One-shots
FanfictionThis is a book of insane One-shots centring around everyones favourite friendly neighbourhood spider! Warning ⚠️ !!! Will include: - a LOT of swearing - this book is verrrrryyyyy gay. Like 99.999% of my ships are gay. - possibly, most likely, de...