This is a book of insane One-shots centring around everyones favourite friendly neighbourhood spider!
Warning ⚠️ !!! Will include:
- a LOT of swearing
- this book is verrrrryyyyy gay. Like 99.999% of my ships are gay.
- possibly, most likely, de...
This is a request by Chloe_bear13 which I have finally completed. I'm really sorry to all those who have recently requested me to write things (I'm trying to get them down as quick as I can but I keep loosing track of time), but I assure you that I will finish them eventually!
Also, Fand0msUnite has created this beautiful cover for my one-shot book! I'm going to continue using the cover I've got but I wanted to show you all the beautiful-ness of it!
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Ships: IronStrange, BlackPepper, and mentions of Drarry shipping
Warnings: Swearing
Stephen Stark-Strange turned to look at his husband with a heated glare, holding back a snarl. "Why the fuck has our son taken enough medication to become high?"
"Well," Tony answered, shakily smiling, "I may or may not have accidentally crushed every bone in his right arm when I dropped a microwave on it?"
"I'm okay!" Peter mumbled out, raising his good arm into the air and giving the occupants of the room a thumbs up. He was laying on his stomach with his head shoved into the carpeted lounge room floor, completely unsure of how he got there.
"What have I told you about dropping microwaves on our son?!" Stephen screeched, japing his pointer finger into Tony's chest.
Clint spoke up from his place on the couch, when he got there nobody knows. "So... when are the meds going to wear off?"
"Approximately 8 hours." Bruce answered, also sitting on the couch.
"Tony," Steve said, voice heavy in disappointment, "can you please go one day without killing or injuring someone?"
Pepper rolled her eyes, looking up from her phone. "I think you're asking the impossible there, Steven."
Peter, from his place on the floor, grumbled in a mixture of anger and confusion. "How man people are on the couch?!"
"All of us." Steve, Bucky, Loki, Thor, Bruce, Pepper, Clint, and Natasha answered in sync.
It was a very big couch.
The brunette teen groaned in annoyance and embarrassment, amusing everyone but his parents.
Stephen and Tony were just as confused as Peter was. They had truly thought it was just the two of them plus Peter present in the room.
The two billionaires sighed, walking over to help up their son and guide him to the couch before also taking a seat.
"Could someone please tell me why we are watching the black and white squiggly lines again?" Thor asked, squinting at the tv.