The Spideypool Wedding

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You'll be able to tell from this chapter why I should never be allowed to plan weddings, or write speeches for them. Ever.

This is request from OchaFei and it took me absolutely forever to write! I did like 9 different drafts because the other 8 were all super uninteresting. Anyway, sorry for the lateness!

I decided I'd de-age Wade, Weasel and Vanessa (who are Wade's friends, not a love interest in Vanessa's case) to 20, and Peter is 19.

Ships: Spideypool, Ironstrange, Maytasha, Shurichelle

Warnings: Swearing, mentions of public nudity (well, assumed at least), mentions of homophobic Chads, and mentions on innuendos


Peter Stark-Strange, the 18 year old son of Tony and Stephen Stark-Strange, looked down at his white suit covered in splatters of rainbow splatter, giddy with anticipation. "I can do this! I can do this!"

(Kinda like this, I had to photoshop it to get something similar to what I wanted)

(Kinda like this, I had to photoshop it to get something similar to what I wanted)

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"Of course you can, kiddo." Tony said walking up behind him, a teary eyed Stephen and May in tow.

"My baby's all grown up!" May sobbed, shooting forward and yanking Peter info a hug.

May was Peter's biological aunt, but his parents decided to put him up for adoption when he was just a toddler. He was such a beautiful, intelligent and kind child, that by the time May and Ben had the proper paperwork filled out to begin the adoption process, he was already Peter Stark-Strange.

The two heroes had been completely understanding - allowing May and Ben to constantly visit, up until Ben died. After that May moved into the Tower and had become a part of their little family. She'd later married Natasha, and become May Romanoff.

"Aunt May, don't cry!" Peter exclaimed, squeezing her back. "Weddings aren't made for tears!"

May simply sobbed harder. "I know, I know, but look at you! You're all grown up and getting married to the man of your dreams!"

Natasha waltzed into the room to console her wife, smiling at her nephew. "You're absolutely radiant, Petey. I'll get May cleaned up and we'll meet you inside."

With her arms wrapped comfortingly around May, Natasha steered her out of the dressing room and into a nearby women's restroom.

Mere minutes later Peter was walking down the aisle - Stephan to his left and Tony to his right, and his assortment of bridesmaids lined up in front of him.

Groot was acting as flower girl (and doing a mighty fine job at it, might I add) so he stood at the very front of the queue.

Ned, Shuri, and MJ, made up the bridesmaid party - Each of them wearing outfits chosen to reflects their sexuality and personality.

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