This chapter was a request from TheHumanLibrary101 and I apologise greatly for how long it took.
Ships: SpiderFrost, IronStrange, Shurichelle, Stucky
Warnings: The sucky media, swearing,
Peter was sitting in the tower's main lounge room - eating a mixing bowl full of fruit loops - when he finally decided enough was enough.
The sleep deprivation from weeks of end of year exams, studying, and the increased crime rate forcing him to patrol more, had torn him apart mentally. The last thing he needed was another shitty news story or article, claiming him a menace.
But that's what he got.
Not a single 'Thank you, Spider-Man!' was sent his way, which angered both him and his friends greatly.
"Loki!" Peter called, his boyfriend sticking his head out of the kitchen doorway.
"Do you think MJ, Ned, and I can stay with you on Asgard for a while?" Peter asked,, switching the tv off and standing up.
The god of mischief smirked. "Sure, I'll inform mother while you ask the others."
"Sounds good to me!" Peter exclaimed, grabbing out his phone to open their group chat. It was summer holidays so school wasn't an issue, but Peter wasn't sure if MJ and Ned's parents would agree.
Gay_Af_Spider started a conversation with Motherfucking_Meme_Queen, Guy_In_The_Chair, and ImABadBitch.11:48AM
Gay_AF_Spider: Pack all your shit, we're going to Asgard. Tell your parents that you'll be gone for an unidentifiable amount of time.11:49AM
Gay_AF_Spider: They probs won't care11:55AM
Motherfucking_Meme_Queen: T'Challa told me to pack my shit up and leave already when I asked, I'll be at the tower in an hour.12:01PM
Guy_In_The_Chair: Mum said yes, as long as I call her every few days.12:03PM
ImABadBitch: My parents don't care.12:04PM
Gay_AF_Spider: Perfect, be at the tower before 1pm, Loki says that's when we leave.12:05PM
Motherfucking_Meme_Queen: Can do.12:05PM
Guy_In_The_Chair: Yup12:05PM
ImABadBitch: No problem.
Gay_AF_Spider has started a conversation with IronDad and The_Strange_Sorcerer12:08PM
Gay_AF_Spider: Can I got stay on Asgard with Loki, Ned, MJ, and Shuri for a while? The media is driving me nuts, it's school holidays, and you both can visit me all the time!12:11PM
IronDad: If Stephen has no problem with it, neither do I.12:13PM
The_Strange_Sorcerer: Sure, why not.12:14PM
Gay_AF_Spider: YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST! Love you! We're leaving at 1.12:15PM
IronDad: Love you, too. Have fun.12:15PM
The_Strange_Sorcerer: Love you, Peter. Have fun and stay safe!—————
"Loki! Everyone said yes, I'm going to go pack." Peter called, getting a muffled 'Yep!' from the kitchen in response.
If those media assholes - specifically J Jonas Jameson - wanted Spider-Man to start saving the day again, more then a simple 'I'm sorry' would be necessary.

Crazy Super-Gay Peter Parker One-shots
FanficThis is a book of insane One-shots centring around everyones favourite friendly neighbourhood spider! Warning ⚠️ !!! Will include: - a LOT of swearing - this book is verrrrryyyyy gay. Like 99.999% of my ships are gay. - possibly, most likely, de...