The Tower Tour Engagement

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This is a request by @Lee_With_No_Kay, who must have either change their username or deleted their account because I can't find them in my messages to contact them. So sorry for the wait! If you are this person, message me and I'll update this! 

I was (and I still am) sick when I wrote this, so It's probably a bit crack-ey.

Ships: Shurichelle, SpiderVenom, Stuckony, BlackPepper, Thoruce, Nabe

Warnings: Swearing, insults, mentions of a weeeeeird ship, alcohol consumption (by a teacher at work)


"So how are you going to do it?" Shuri asked, getting nods of agreement from MJ,  Ned, and Abe.

They were waiting for the last few students to arrive, including Peter, before they could go on yet another field trip to Stark Towers. It was the third one this year, and they only trip Peter hadn't gotten out of, much to his horror. The last thing he wanted was to tour his own home.

Eddie shrugged, pulling out the ring box he'd hidden in his school bag. "I don't know, I was planning to ask him yesterday, but he was to busy ranting about-"

Before Eddie could continue, the classroom door was thrown open by a furious Peter, who was aggressively clutching a newspaper. "WHO THE FUCK EVEN IS THIS GUY?!"

"...J. Jonah Jameson." Eddie finished as Peter Stark-Rogers-Barnes tore the newspaper to pieces. The rest of the class was used to the secret hero's antics, so as long as ABBA or Hamilton didn't start playing, and there was no glitter around, they blatantly ignored it.

"Rough morning, Peter?" Mr Hall called, getting a disgruntled nod from the teen. The teacher laughed, holding up his clear water bottle filled with what looked like water but definitely wasn't. "Try adding a bit of tequila into your water bottle next time. This baby's going to help me get through the day."

While Peter laughed, his anger lessening slightly, MJ turned to her favourite teacher, grinning widely. "A bit or a whole bottle?"

"Why Ms Jones, you know that a good teacher never drinks and tells." Mr Hall replied. "But this definitely isn't just two shots of tequila."


Even as the teenagers, plus their slightly tipsy teacher, arrived at Stark Tower, Peter was still grumpily grumbling about the newspaper.

"Ignore that asshole, honey. He's just an idiot. You're not a menace." Eddie attempted to soothe his boyfriend, getting a pout in response.

Before Peter could reply, likely saying something like 'It's not that simple', Flash was bounding towards the group.

The bully wasn't intimidating whatsoever, but he tended be either annoying or infuriating. Today he was going to be both, apparently.

"I can't wait for the truth about your fake Stark internship to be revealed, Parker." Eugene announced, jabbing a finger into Peter's chest.

"I- What?" Peter looked at the other teen in confusion, which was mirrored on the faces of his friends. "I'm not an intern, Flash. And my last name isn't Parker, either... I'm literally the son of Tony, Steve, and Bucky Stark-Rogers-Barnes. Where did you even get the idea that I wasn't?"

Peter didn't hide his relationship to the Avengers, other than his superhero identity as Spider-Man. It was public knowledge. Everyone knew he was their son, and had known since he was five - when he'd been adopted.

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