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"Fuck this!"

"Whats a matter Kim ?"

"Can you believe that new comer girl on our class just got bigger attention than us. You know dat we are the stone cold fox in the class right ?"

"Yes you were." said Kelly. "Hey Kim, you know what, actually her face wasn't pretty just like we use to see her in the school."

"How did u know ?"

"I saw it on her insta." Kim come to me see my laptop, which is i stalk her insta. "Damn, she looks pretty coz of make up ? Such a shame."

"Yea that was the fact."

"But, did she know if we were envy to her ?"

"No. She did not."

"Good, if you see, she wearing a thick makeup ?"

"Ahh ...kinda like dat."

"Good, that wiil be good."

"Why ?"

"A few days ago, my father brother in law bought a 230$ makeup for me."

"Oh my god for real, that expensive shit ? Holly crap."

"It is, do you think kind of girl like dat able to buy that kind of shit ?"

"No i dunno."

"Ok, tommorow i will give it to her."

"Why ? You beteer give it to me."

"Hell no Kimberly. It's danger."

"Wat ?"

"You know it." i think for a while, why when she wore dat makeup her skin become bad. I nod, and smile. "Ow yeah baby i get it."

"Yeah ? Yeah dats what i'm talking about girl." 

Tommorow in the morning, class bout to start, she just coming. "Hey Caroline!"

"Hi, Kim, Kelly."

"Oh my gosh you look totally gorgeous today, just like a Scarlett Johansson."

"No, you;re to much."

"Can we taking a photo together ?"

"Why not ?" we pose together for three times. "Ow yeah, i want to give you an expensive makeup to you."

"What ? For me ?"

"Yep, for you, because this makeup doesn't suit to my skin and i think your skin might be suitable. So this is for you." i give it to her. "Oh my goodness. This is an expensive stuff! No, no, you gotta be kiddin me right ?"

"Hell no Car, i give it to you." she smiles. "Oh my god, thank you very much." we hug each other. 

Rest time.

"We will see the result in a few days. Can't wait for it."

"Why you want to give it to her ?"

"Coz... It's.... danger for skin, not just for skin, also when we breath it, it also danger."

"God damn Kimberly, you'll give her nightmare."

"Dat's what i want to do."

Case Of CrimeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang