The start

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We hear soft snoring, and a slight bump in the light green covers. The person was sleeping peacefully, As the sun peaked inside the room, Lighting the room up, It showed a single bed, a nightstand with a simple alarm clock, On the floor, a set of shorts lay crumpled on the floor, right next to a set of small socks. The person kept sleeping until a loud dreadful sound started ringing. The alarm right next to the bed started going off. Without a hand popping out the cover, the person sleeping used their quirk to drop a small pink ball right on the snooze button 

The covers were thrown off, and it showed a young, green-haired woman, eyes slightly closed as she was still tired. She looked over at the alarm, showing it was only 5 am. She yawned as she got up. Went out of her bedroom into a slightly bigger room, A singular couch. a small box TV and table were placed. She walked right into the kitchen. Again very empty, She opened the fridge, showing it had very little food. She grabbed a plate with sandwiches, She had premade this the night before,

Eating her breakfast quickly. She started getting ready for work, It was the same thing she did 6 days a week, It was a horrible job, But thankfully she got enough money to take care of herself and save up. It also was one of the only jobs that didnt ask too much about quirks.  Which was her trouble. As she got dressed in her neat skirt and dress shirt with a blazer.'' Come on Inko, You got this, Just say the same thing you said before, Like you always do, Just a simple weak, telekinetic quirk, That is it.'' Inko told herself around the corner of her job.

She walked in, a big smile on her face like always.'' Hello everyone.'' She greeted, everyone else giving their own version of a greeting as Inko took her seat behind the front desk.'' Hey Midoriya, how about it, want to get on a date with me.'' Like I have said before, Mahoo, I am not looking to date anyone right now, You are a nice man, But not interested'' Inko was glad he asked. She knew, The second everyone knew her quirk that would stop, meaning she still had her cover intact.

Inko much like her mother before her, and her grandfather before her, had a dragon quirk, Which meant hatred, It was the sad reality for some. If your quirk was seen as an evil, scary quirk, you would just be met with hatred. Her grandfather was nearly killed in an attack. Inko hated it, So she hid it, Her quirk, Allows her two things, She could use small telekinesis, when in human form, But if she lets her anger go, She turns into a small, bus-sized dragon, with far more telekinetic firepower. This went on for weeks, Until one day, Inko was fired.

They found out her real quirk, First day she was shunned. Lunch was alone, Not being asked out on a date, No friendly smiles inside. Then day two, She was fired. She said at the bar, A glass of rose in front of her.'' Poor work ethic my ass, Just stupid idiots all of them.'' She grumbled as a tall, dark-haired man took the seat next to her.'' Oi, barkeep, A double scotch for me, and a rose for the lady.'' She looked over, '' Are you sure about that,'' Inko sneered a little with the man giving a chuckle as the drinks were placed.

'' Oh, now I am.'' He smiled.'' Hisashi. And who might you be.'' Inko gave a laugh as the man gave his first name.'' Kanna.'' Both started talking and drinking. The night burning short like a lit candle. At Three, the two drunk adults stumbled out toward a nearby Motel room, One Hisashi bought for the night, Where they, had a singular night of love. One that in Nine months, brought to earth, a healthy, strong boy, Inko named Izuku Midoriya. One she hoped, prayed for, to have the quirk of his father, Whoever he was. 

With Izuku on the way, Inko had moved, Going to a new town, where her cover was intact, Where she was just Inko, Midoriya, a weak quirk user. Went to work aswell, This time using her saved money as a start-up to make her own company, One that sold art, One that got her a great income, Nothing that would make her rich, But she was able to live with her child. Give him all that he wanted. She walked into her living room, Just having finished a new commission from a customer, She moved into the kitchen where she cleaned her hands.

The Hero of the Green: MidoRyuuWhere stories live. Discover now