Teamwork makes the dreams work.

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'' YOUR SO FUCKING CRINGE'' Bakugo yelled as he raised his hands forward.'' KINDA'' Nana said as One For All coursed all through her body. Izuku flexed his back. His wings flung back. Before all three attacked at once.

Bakugo ignited the small puddle of sweat that had built up in his hands. Creating a Mega explosion. One that tore open the dirt below them, as it forced the attacking students back.

Nana threw her punch. 20% of OFA ran through her body as she threw the overhead right. The speed at which her hand moved, was supersonic. The airpressure she was able to build moved forward, Breaking the dirt below and knocking others away.

As Izuku's wings flapped forward. His powerful back muscles are used in sync to move the massive wings. A large amount of wind trapped with his wings created a powerful gust of wind. One that knocked students on their asses, Or flung them back.

These three moves were but the start of the UA defense. While it halted the advance of the dozen other hero schools, They started right back up, Yet as they looked back at UA, Instead of seeing the 40+ students that were there before, Now they could only see One.'' Come get your Dragon.'' Izuku spoke, Raising his fist in a combative stance.

He looked to be larger than life, The large force for the first time, and Stood face to face with a real Dragon user. For the first time, they had to back up their hatred, They had to face what many talked about. The drunk nights at the bar, yelling about how if a dragon user showed up, a quick one-two combo would put that bitch on their ass, had finally become reality

Izuku smirked as he saw the doubt in some, Yet for others, they rushed at the opportunity.'' DIE DRAGON SCUM.'' A student yelled with his hand stretched out. Izuku saw the pads on his finger, One thing all users shared, was that they had to make contact to use their quirk. Izuku turned his arm into scales. His broad shoulders, Large bicep, and Two arms that already made many men jealous turned scaly. Almost as if a suit of armor surrounded them. His hands turned sharper, He turned more Intimidating.

Izuku grabbed the man by the wrist. Izuku's thumb pressed in the middle of his palm, as his fingers wrapped around the wrist. The man's eyes went wide as he felt his hand stuck in place, Unable to move even the smallest bit. He now understood the power of a dragon. But he had his other hand. He just had to move it first.

Yet before he had the opportunity to move his arm, Trying to reach out and press all five of his fingers on any part of Izuku. Izuku had already moved. With one hand firmly around his wrist. Izuku used his remaining hand, To slam into his stomach. A powerful fist jammed deep into the gut of the student. The first hit, Took him off his feet, Lifting him inches off the ground.  All the air was pushed from his body. The second slam brought him higher, Now forcing all the food out of his system.

This stopped the rush of all the students. Each one was shocked at what they were seeing. But they quickly rushed once more, Now not to fight Izuku, But to save their friend from being eliminated. Izuku grabbed one of his balls, Before with speed tagging two of his spots, Leaving one, remaining right on his forehead. Yet instead of tagging it. Izuku, Spun around. Still holding the student, that was on the edge of passing out. And threw him at the horde of students rushing in.

Like a bowling ball hitting pins. The student with two out of three tags hit landed and knocked down 5 of his classmates. Izuku took this time to flee. While it had looked like every student had run away. Nearly half of the class had just hidden nearby. 

Flapping his large wings. Izuku raised himself off the ground. Before dashing past the group, Just barely going by he stopped on the other side.'' Come catch your Dragon then. I thought you wanted to eliminate me right, Or you wanted my spot in the shade.'' Izuku spoke down on them. On purpose sounding rude and condescending. He had to attract all of them toward him. Give everyone a big shot at escape. With his wings retracting back. Izuku's feet touched the ground.'' HE CAN'T FLY ANYMORE, HE TIRED HIMSELF OUT, NOW IS OUR CHANCE.'' Kamakiri yelled. 

The Hero of the Green: MidoRyuuWhere stories live. Discover now