Start of the second event.

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The teams had been made. Everyone had teamed up. Mostly it was teams of four Because with a team of four you just had the best chance of winning. So in the end, only two teams of three remained. You had the team With the most point. Izuku, Mei, Nejire and Ochaco. It was a good all-around team, that Izuku believed was more than capable to keep his own amount of points no matter who tried and take the points from him. They were the ones that most of everyone however wanted to see fail.

Then you have the team that wanted to make him fail, By all possible means. A team filled with Bakugo, Todoroki, Ida, and lastly Momo, Each for a certain reason feeling like they were better than him. They were above him. For most, it was an idea that was burned in their brains from the time they could talk. So Izuku couldn't fully blame them, and he didnt. then you had a team that wanted Izuku's points, But just to show that Izuku wasn't above them, Just to show Izuku they were on his level.

Team Kyoka, Rumi, Ryuko, and Hitoshi. A team very close to Izuku, and because of that fact. They felt they could easily take his points. If that would be what they decide to do. But Shinso told Rumi it wasn't a smart idea, But the battle Bunny wasn't willing to listen. But then you had the next team Mina who teamed up with Himiko, Kirishima, and Tetsutetsu. They felt strong, But then again weren't sure that they could fight against a dragon. But then they didnt have to, alot of other people had points to pass and that was all that was really needed.

next up team Kaibara, Awase, Tsuburaba, and Fukidashi. a team of boy buddies that formed quickly in their time at UA. Not at the top of their class, But also not at the bottom. so they felt confident to hold their own. Same for the team with Honenuki, Bondo, Rin, and Yanagi. They felt with Yanagi they had more of an edge than they would with someone else. Nana herself had teamed up with Monoma, Setsuna, and Kamakiri. Each of them was very capable and Nana had the best chance to take Izuku's points. Because he was her biggest threat.

She could fight anyone anytime and place, But the last time she tried to beat Izuku, He took it, he kept standing and he grabbed her. He could have turned his hand into a claw and ripped her throat out. bye bye Nana, But he didn't, He didn't hurt her. And she didn't want to figure out what else he could do to her, At least not if she didn't have to. The next team was Asui, Tokoyami, Ojiro, and Shishida, after that Kaminari, Sato, Sero, and Kuroire teamed up, Which left the final two teams that were made of 3 people each. Team Itsuka, Komori, and Kodai. and the last team Shiosaki, Pony, and Nemuri.

They were waiting now for Present Mic to finish his give it your all speech that he had been giving for 5 minutes, but to everyone listening it really just sounded like a 5-hour long speech. '' LADIES AND GENTLEMAN, ITS THE TIME TIME TIME FOR THE SECOND EVENT, NOW GET ON YOUR HORSES, AND GET READY TO KICK ASS.'' A couple of students had to chuckle at Present Mic's joke about horses, Many rode on the back of students like they were horses, Present Mic began counting down. 

He went from 5 down. With each number, time felt slower and slower, and each of the students mentally prepared themselves for a fight.  Flexing their muscles, Activating their quirks, Each believed that while they had 15 minutes for the entire thing, It would be 10 times easier to just get the points early and wait everyone out by running away. And that was the exact plan of team Midoriya aswell. So right as Mic screamed go, the action started. Izuku who was right up front. Spread out his wings, Each team already rushed right for him so this was the smartest move. 

his wings flapped powerfully, Pushing anything away from him. and forcing himself upward. As if they were lightweight Because they were. Ochaco, who was the rider, had made everyone weightless, all except her. Thanks to her home training, Allowed to hold around 1000 kg for around 30 minutes, Not nearly enough to be the hero she wants to be, But a good start. Enough to carry three people tho. They were kept in the sky because of Mei and Hatsume. Because of some sweet talking with Aizawa and using the fact she saved his son,

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