Back at school

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'' HAHAHAHA BAKUGO YOUR HAIRHAHAHAHAA.'' Sero said crying on the floor and laughing. He wasnt alone. Many of the guys had been laughing the second Bakugo walked in. He had worn his UA uniform like always, without a tie. open jacket. Nothing new, But his hair. Thanks to Best Jeanist work his hair had been stuck like that the entire time. Didnt matter if he showered, or combed his hair. rocked his head back and forth, Nothing caused it to go normal.'' SHUT YOUR MOUTH TAPEWORM, I CANT FUCKING FIX IT, BEST JEANIST FUCKING DID THIS AND I WON'T GO BACK.'' He screamed loudly and aggressively.

But with his hair staying the same, It just caused more and more laughs. And as the guy group kept teasing Bakugo by making fun of his hair, or even some of the brave fools trying to touch it. More people joined the classroom and talked in their friend groups.'' Man, I can't believe you got to help in a hostage situation.'' I didnt really help, I just walked with a different Sidekick as Tremmor did all the work.'' Kyoka said It had happened in one of her last Patrol.

Tremor was called in and Kyoka went with him. A hostage situation, and while Kyoka checked to see how many, Vibe had already moved to enter, already felt the entire situation, and moved to stop it. But she did protect some of the civilians.'' Still, that is Super cool, All We did was walk around and train. Soooooooo boring.'' Mina wined as she leaned back in her chair. She felt really depressed about the whole training. While yeah, she might have gotten better, all the others had done cool stuff.'' Ribbit, every little bit helps, Selkie told me as much.'' Oh yeah, I read about on the train home''

Setsuna said trying to fully remember'' Yeah It was a drug bust you help stop right or something.'' Tsuyu nodded'' We stopped some drugs from coming in, I really enjoyed the work. Ribbit.'' Still not as cool as Nana and Midori, I mean they stopped the Hero killer.'' Kendo said from her book. '' Huh? You say something'' Nana asked. While she started off listening to the conversation. She quickly dozed off into fantasy land in a daydream. While Ochaco, Nemuri, and those girls were close enough with Izuku to ask how he was doing during the weekend.

Nana was not. Like 4 weeks ago, Nana hated Izuku's guts and wanted to beat him ass, simply for being born. But now she was sure. She had a thing for Izuku and she hated it. She was so awkward around him and never held her composure around him. After her 'snack' break in the hospital, she went back. He just said Welcome back with a smile and just went on to start talking about how great she was for taking the injured heroes, Before she screamed she had to pee and ran away again.

'' Just talking about Izu, and you,'' Nemuri said with clear affection as she said Izu. Some of the girls frowned at that. But before an argument could be made. The last two entered the room.'' Nah dude, you didnt win, Me helping Mom with dinner does not mean I forfeit.'' Izuku said to Shinso who chuckled.'' Yes, it does. We had a best-of-3 match. You left, meaning you lose.'' I DESTROYED YOU THE FIRST GAME, I CAN DO IT AGAIN.'' Izuku said clearly annoyed, But Shinso wasn't backing down.

'' YOU CHEATED, AND NEXT TIME I won't LET IT STAND, I WILL BEAT YOU SO BADLY THE ONLY THING YOU WILL BE CARRYING IS A BIG FAT DONUT,'' Both were having a clearly heated debate about some sort of game they had been playing against each other. They kept yelling until they were brought out of it, when Izuku noted Bakugo'' Hehe, bad hair day?'' Izuku asked with Bakugo's hair exploding into its normal form, Causing the entire group of guys to laugh 10 times louder than before, and this time it wasn't just the guys, Some of the girls were even laughing at Bakugo.

'' shut up and sit down,'' Aizawa said as he walked in with the bell. And just like that, any yelling, laughing, or talking just stopped and everyone had teleported back in their seats.'' Now then, As many of you have seen, We only have Home Room and Heroics on today's schedule. So the faster we get done here, The faster you lot can leave me and I can sleep.'' Aizawa said pulling out a sheet of paper and clearing his throat.'' During your internships, We have asked the heroes to keep us up to date with any progress.'' Aizawa explained.

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