Hiking or Fighting to camp?

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Everyone was thrown down to the ground. being forced to figure out how to land. Thankfully Pixie-bob who had been the one controlling the earth had just caused them to fall down and not break anything. As everyone landed they quickly all wanted to get in competition mode. Being the one to win.'' EVERYONE STOP.'' Izuku yelled.'' Listen, we are all lost, and confused. This first one down shit doesn't matter, We have to work together so nobody gets lost.'' Izuku said, He knew he could easily get down first. Only Ida was faster than him, But he had to deal with Trees. Izuku could fly and run thru them if he wished.

'' Fuck you, you just wanna win for yourself,'' Bakugo said flipping Izuku off.'' I don't care about the Sake. Sure it would be nice after a hard day of training, But Anyone else can have it. I just want to make sure we don't arrive there with people missing. Now just move in a group.'' Izuku ordered. The group agreed. None had any experience going hiking in the woods. So they moved as a group and it quickly became the best idea they had.'' I HAVE TO PISS AND GET AWAY.'' Mineta screamed running into the woods. His bladder was about to burst. Just as he got away far enough.

He was leaning against a tree, glad to finally relieve himself. Just as he was about to relieve Mini from his underpants. He looked behind him. A massive, dirt beast-type golem stood behind him, getting closer and closer. Mineta who had been holding with all his might at this point was unable to hold it longer. He screamed as he let all his muscles go. Urinating his pants before sprinting back to the group screaming.'' MONSTERS THEY HAVE MONSTERS HERE.'' Moving as fast as he could Mineta rushed thru the group passing thru them and hiding far behind them.

The more combat-focused group quickly took the front mentally preparing for perhaps a bear or whatever there could be. But then they saw it. Pushing down a tree with one paw. It was a nearly 10 feet tall, beast made from dirt and earth.'' Damn, what the hell is that.'' Bakugo said not expecting it.'' T-THATS PIXIE-BOBS DOING. THEY FILLED THE FOREST WITH BEAST WE HAVE TO FIGHT.'' Mina called out.

Izuku smirked as he rushed it. Pulling his fist back he swung at the beast his leg. It swings back, But dirt against Dragon. Dragon always wins. The dirt broke in on itself before the best collapsed as Izuku landed his second punch.'' OKAY, THESE THINGS ARE NOT THAT STRONG, BUT IF YOU DONT THINK YOU CAN TAKE THEM OUT ALONE, WORK IN TEAMS.'' Izuku looked up at the sky, breathing in heavily. He was gonna make a straight shot to camp with a fire breath, That was until he felt Rumi kick him in the head.

'' WE ARE IN A FOREST DIPSHIT, TREES BURN.'' She yelled with Izuku just now making that connection.'' True. I forgot about that, Cool. Well, I guess I just use my hands.'' Izuku had been training alot with his new ability. The flames were cool but hard to use. He had trouble with the after-effects aswell, But it was one of his strongest moves. Kai who had been texting him alot, Mostly because He was one of the only high-ranking dragons she knew. She had been doing alot of research for him.

Nezu was doing the same but both had different methods. Nezu used interviews, books, videos, myths, and all the like to get somewhat of an idea of what dragons could do and either share that with Izuku and the teachers. or keep it to himself and see how Izuku acts with the new training. Kai, on the other hand, while she wasn't dumb, did not have that level of skill. She used other people she knew. she used the dozens of Thunders that she was aware of and got information that way. Both a different styles which resulted in completely different awnsers. But both had shared one answer that was the same. Izuku was going to get alot more abilities than just fire breathing

'' FUCKING HELL YOU CALL THEM EASY, THATS AN INSULT TO EASY,'' Bakugo said, Just as he slide under the legs of one of the beasts and pressed both his palms to the beast his belly before blowing it up. chunks of ground blasting everywhere.'' They might not be strong, but they never end.'' Nana said, her entire body covered in OFA before she punched thru the head of one of the beasts. Everyone was working at their best. For some it was easy. Izuku, Bakugo, Nana, Ryuko, Rumi, Shoto, and the likes this was just annoying.

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