Completed training Of the UA monsters

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'' I EXPECT THE ABSOLUTE BEST FROM THE ABSOLUTE BEST SCHOOL, WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE YOU'RE GIVING ME RIGHT NOW.'' Endeavor yelled as he screamed at Ochaco. She was on her hands and knees, struggling not to throw up. Around her, multiple tons were floating around. They were trying to increase their quirks. That was the point of Endeavor training. They had to increase their quirks to stand a better shot, 

They were going to fight people with more experience, They would be fighting second and even third years, They were fighting people with one or even two years of experience. They would need to train as hard as they could.'' n-n-n-n-not my b-b-b-best.'' Ochaco struggled to say, She needed to puke, But she couldn't, She had to hold this for at least 2 more minutes.'' THEN GIVE ME YOUR BEST.'' Ochaco slammed her fist into the floor.'' YES SIR.'' She screamed out, Pushing herself to her feet, Pushing herself to the limit. She struggled immensely, But that did not matter. She started throwing up, Puke rushed out her mouth as she remained standing, Forcing the multiple tons of training weight, and random equipment

'' I WANT YOU ALL TO TRY TO GET STRONGER, COME ON YOU WEAKLINGS, I AM TRYING TO TRAIN YOU, NOT HAVE YOU LOSERS STAND AROUND.'' Endeavor yelled at most of the students, they were struggling, each one pushing their quirks to the limit. Rumi had 4 sets of weighted vests on. A total of 200kg of weight on her chest, 80 on each leg, and 40 on each arm. It was an extreme amount of weight to run with. It was like she had a large guy on her back, a woman on each leg, and a child on each arm. And still running as hard as she could.

Izuku himself was strength training. He had special gear on. One that worked like multiple weighted vests, The same weight that Rumi had on, Only the one difference was that he had a belt, And that belt had rubber bands around it. One that stopped Izuku's arm movement. Izuku could barely use his arms and anything away from his hips would require a high level of force. Training Izuku's strength even more. He was boxing. Just forcing himself to move his arms, even as he struggled. He could not give up.

Bakugo stood in a corner, He was forcing himself to blow up. Over and over again. While most times, Bakugo forced out a small blast working up to one big blast, But now. He was constantly blowing massive blasts out. It was to get his arms stronger, Strengthening his shoulders. He kept blasting over and over and over again. His palms were burning. His shoulders hurt. His ears rang. His mouth felt dry. Bakugo struggled to the extreme. But he knew. If he kept pushing he would be able to pull out stronger blasts for longer. He would gain more explosive power.

Shoto had been doing the same thing. He had been forcing his body to push out ice and flames. Melting his ice as he tried to snuff his flames. Each side fighting against the other, His body was reacting to the changing temperature. Shoto tried his best to keep focused. The freezing on one side, yet the burning on the other side. Both caused Shoto's mind to get foggy. But his body had to get used to it. So he kept pushing, Struggling to keep focused.

Everyone was fighting to improve their quirks. Nobody was backing down, and they were pushing themselves to a point none had reached yet, They were all reaching a make-or-break point in quirks. Like any muscle, You have to constantly use it to strengthen it, To strengthen your biceps, you keep using it with resistance, so much that you make small tears, Then you heal it. This is the same thing you do with your quirk. You use it and use it and use it some more, Then you rest and allow the quirk to rest. But for some, They could break their quirks, They could hit the ceiling that their quirks had, and then they broke it. 

For some it was something they had to do themselves, Ida was biting down on a leather belt. One by one. Ida tore out his exhaust. The six he had on each of the calves, He ripped out. The pain was extreme it felt like he ripped off bones, But it would increase his speed, His exhaust would grow back, Stronger than before, According to his brother, This would allow him to reach speeds he could only dream of. But for some, it was based on abilities, Like Kirishima. After taking constant abuse from the likes of Nana, Sato, Shishida, Tokoyaki, And the like. He and Tetsutetsu just reached that next stage.

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