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'' Mister Izuku Midoriya to the principal's office. Mister Izuku Midoriya to the principal's office'' The speaker rang loudly thru the halls of UA. Izuku's looked confused as he was in class. It was Mister Aizawa's homeroom class, So they had freedom. Izuku himself was just finishing off some homework he got for the upcoming classes. He had been dating the girls officially for one day. They had spent a total of 30 minutes in that closet talking about their love for each other. And how it would work.

Would others be allowed to join? How would they spend time? Were they gonna do alot of kissing or something? What was allowed or not? They basically talked about everything. It didnt matter cause Izuku needed awnsers on how it would work. But thankfully they came to the understanding that they would figure it out mostly on their own as time went on.  Izuku wasn't the only one that wanted to know how it would work. But the one deal each of them made. They would lessen their cutesy lovey-dovey stuff when during school. They were hero students first and none of them would feel good if they knew one of them would get kicked out purely because they focused too much on dating.

'' Midoriya get going. You know Nezu's office?'' Uhm Yes sir, Excuse me.'' Izuku said leaving class. Still hearing Hitsoshi.'''Ohhhh someone got in trouble.'' As Izuku walked toward Nezu's office he had a clear Tickmark on his forehead thanks to his brother. But he shortly found Nezu's office and just as he was about to knock, Nezu spoke'' Please come in Mister Midoriya'' Izuku instantly looked around for a camera But as he didnt see one he shrugged and walked in.

Nezu's office was neat. A large room. On the side of the door, a two-seater black couch. A dark oak table with a lamp. and some magazines stacked on top. On the other side of the table against the wall, is a matching three-seater couch. Then an open area with a clean carpet. A dark oak desk. that had a laptop. some notes and alot of stacked folders. Behind him, around 4 cabinets all made to look like Dark Oak held some pictures of Nezu with some classes past the years and some high-ranking heroes from all across the world.

On the opposite wall from the couch. Nezu had even more picture frames. While some were pictures of him with classes thru the years. Most of them were a multitude of different Diplomas. It showed his academic abilities And he had them in spare.'' Please Sit.'' Nezu pointed to one of the two sleek black chairs. Izuku nodded as he sat down.'' Uhm you wished to talk with me?'' Nezu nodded'' I did indeed. But first, A cup of tea perhaps. I have a wonderfully soft Chinese green tea.'' Oh, Please, and thank you.''  Izuku said smiling. Nezu poured his students a cup of tea before then making a cup for himself.

'' Now First of all, I wish to congratulate you and the twelve women you have started to date.'' Izuku's eyes went wide.'' H-How did you know.'' Nezu gave a soft chuckle before sipping the still very hot tea.'' Just assume from now on that I know everything about everyone at all times.'' Izuku just nodded. That was totally a possibility at this point.'' I hope that it's not a problem, We won't do any couple of things during school time I swear.'' That is not the reason for our conversation. I just wanted to tell you best wishes.''

Izuku wasn't sure why but he thanked Nezu. Nezu of course gave him best wishes Because some men had trouble dating a single woman. Dating a single woman and keeping time for himself. Izuku was planning to date 12 of them. He would need the best wishes of every person he met.'' But the reason I wished to talk with you, Is Not what you expect. I wish to discuss that group. The League of Villains.'' Izuku nodded as he sipped the steaming tea. While Izuku had always had good durability and resistance to hotness.

Nezu had gifted Izuku a hot tea. The water was just under boiling. And the tea was spicy. It in fact added to the flavor profile, But most would not be able to stand that heat. But Izuku's new heat-based ability seemingly meant his heat threshold increased. If Izuku agreed, Nezu also wished to see how pepper spray would work against Izuku, But that was for later'' Now. If I am correct. You have stated the League of Villains wishes for you to join them.'' That they did sir.'' Hmm, interesting.'' Nezu smiled before continuing to speak

The Hero of the Green: MidoRyuuWhere stories live. Discover now