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It had been a couple of weeks since Izuku got back from the hospital, and mostly it was normal, There were still worries for his health and his mother checked his chest weekly, with a constant nagging to keep it clean. Something he understood, But as he got his tired body out of bed. He looked at the clock. 06:00. Like normal, doing his morning workout and walking down for his breakfast, which he had to make himself as his mother was still sleeping, So just a simple egg fried rice was it. 

That was all the time Izuku really had before his phone buzzed, showing someone was at the door. Izuku just smiled as he opens the door.'' Hello sir,'' at the door was Mina's father, He worked together with a  nearby construction crew. And Izuku who wanted to earn a little bit of money went ahead and asked for a summer job, which he got, Getting in the car with him and taking the 45-minute drive. Izuku had around 15 minutes for himself before working which he almost always spent drinking coffee with the boss's daughter, as he walked into the lunch room there she was.

Brown hair cut at the shoulder, the tips aimed inward, framing her face, Pink rosy cheeks and a smile to match, She waived happily as she saw Izuku enter and shoved his cup of coffee forward.'' Hey Midoriya.'' She said happily.'' Hey Uraraka, You're here early.'' She nodded.'' Papa wanted to start early making a layout for the cement walls,'' Izuku nodded with a smile as he sat down and started drinking. He really connected with Uraraka, Both wanted to be heroes, for Slightly different reasons. Ochaco wanted to make money and people happy. Which Izuku respected.

Hell even if she just wanted money, Doing heroics isn't that smart for just money showing she wanted to help people aswell, Izuku just wanted to show what a real hero is to the fakes, and beat their asses in the process. It didnt matter if the asses he kicked were heroes or villains, and after telling her the story of his chest wound, neither did she really. But the 15 minutes went passed quickly, causing the pair to split up, Ochaco moved toward mixing, and Izuku toward demolition, It was his solo job. breaking down walls and such, which he was able to do due to his increase in strength.

Putting on his hard hat and reflector jacket, He grabbed his strengthened sledgehammer, and walked toward the first wall. Spinning his arm a bit, Before with a mighty show of strength, he brought the hammer down on the wall from on top, Instantly a hole formed in the wall. He did the same 7 more times, all on the edge of the wall, equal parts spread, One in each corner, and one right in the middle of the sides and tops. Before then dropping the hammer and pushing the wall out with his strength.

He kept doing it for a couple of hours before he was done with his job, He had already done most of the walls before, Now the last thing to really do was to see what else he was able to do.'' Mister Uraraka sir, I am done with the walls on south,''  This shocked the man as he coughed and almost spit his coffee all over the plans.'' Oh what, already, That was a four-week job for 3 men, and you did it in a week alone,'' Izuku just kept up his friendly face.'' Well, uhm have an early lunch, then when that is over, join my wive with the Loading of bricks,''

Izuku nodded as he walked away, going toward lunch where he realized he didnt has his lunch with him. He had it in the fridge at home. And he did not have the time to go home and grab it. While he had an hour lunch, He would need 30 extra minutes alone to get home and back, 15 if traffic was good. He did the only thing he could. He opened his phone and went over to one of the group chat he shared with his friends from home.


whyfrend: Hey weird question but I forgot my lunch, Is anyone willing to grab it and hop in the subway and bring it to me.

Bloodprincess: I would totally, But helping my mom atm, sowwy

BunGun: I can't in the middle of training atm, so not home. maybe mina I remember her being home.

The Hero of the Green: MidoRyuuWhere stories live. Discover now