The ongoing workstudies

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'' Are you sure we look okay Yaomomo?'' Ochaco asked Momo as they stepped into the common room'' Yes Ochaco, You look more than fine for the five minutes we will wear this when getting introduced to everyone at the agency.'' Momo said with a small smile. Ochaco laughed as she worried.'' I just don't want to give a bad impression.'' Dont worry Ochaco. We met Rush before and I met Kai before. They are really kind people. You will fit right in you adorable Kirby.'' Nana said with a smile.'' Oi, should you not.'' 

Nana looked down at her watch.'' OH SHIT MY WORKSTUDY'' Nana charged up OFA. She had been too lax and had just been sitting around. She rushed up the stairs. Skipping each step but jumping from level to level, Nearly instantly reached her floor. Dashing toward her room she nearly broke the door down. Thankfully she was prepared enough that she had everything ready. Her briefcase and her bag. Nana jumped out the window. She cheated and got the internship from her dad. While All Might was no longer an Active Hero. Might Towers was still a booming place for hero business.

Which allowed her a great internship possibility. She rushed over toward the agency. A large building owned by the hero Fatgum. Nana rushed inside. breathing heavy as she looked at the time.'' I AM SO SORRY I WAS A MINUTE LATE, IT WON'T HAPPEN AGAIN.'' Nana screamed as the lady behind the desk giggled.'' You are fine girly. Gum won't be back for at least 20 more minutes.'' what, but he told me.'' Yes, He was planning to be here 20 minutes ago, But on his way here, He also noticed a shop opening which had his favorite slushy.''

She looked amused by Fatgum's antics rather than annoyed. Nana merely nodded'' Come sit, Can I get you something to drink, a coffee, coke, some water.'' Some water would be nice, please, and thank you.'' The woman behind the counter nodded as she stood up and got her some water. Nana took some time to look around. And it looked bland. Fatgum looked on the outside as a playful hero, But his office looked boring. The only thing that made it stand out from a real office building was the awards and pictures. It seemed that Fatgum and his sidekicks loved eating.

Around the walls awards of eating competitions, pictures of food challenges they had beaten.'' Here you go, hun.'' The lady said giving the water to Nana. They continued to have some small talk about how it was being a hero for Fatgum. But not that late after Fatgum came walking in. Stomping his way in with a bucket-sized slushy.'' Oh yo Nova right'' Yes sir, Nana Yagi. The bright star hero Nova.'' Nice, well come in, sit down stand up and walk around.'' Nana looked confused as she got the orders.'' I'm kidding. Come let me show you around.'' Nana nodded as Fatgum went ahead and explained everything.

'' I do things slightly different than other heroes. Once a week you are required to complete a Cardio track here at the office. While I believe in eating whatever you want, I also believe in the fact a hero should always be able to keep saving people. So Depending on the schedule you get, one of those days is your workout, But that day will be shorter, 4 hours or so. Then you will get 2 normal days which are 8-hour days.'' Nana wrote it down on a small notepad she brought with her.

'' food will always be provided. We have a lunch room here that we keep stocked up daily with fresh fruit, aswell as warm and cold meals. The pay is standard for the industry, Let's see. Most of your days we will be doing patrols. Any questions.'' Will I learn how to fill out the paperwork'' Yes you will. Though I forgot, My sidekick also invited a kid from your school. a kirikima or something.'' Oh, Kirishima.'' Yeah, tell me a little about him.'' Nana nodded. While Fatgum had not yet met Kirishima he was more than aware of the boy.

The only reason Fat asked this was to see how Nana would behave, would she talk bad about the boy to up her chances? Would she praise him, just to see him fail the expectations set.'' Kirishima is an extremely loud, hard-headed fool. With a heart bigger than anyone I have ever met. No matter what is going on. He would always be willing to help and fight for the greater good. I do not doubt in my mind that Kirishima in a a few years will become one of the greatest heroes there is.'' High praise from the number one hero's daughter.'' I might be downplaying it if you knew him, sir.'' 

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