an addition and lack of training?

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'' Mom can I please.'' Izuku asked, On his knees, His hands intertwined in front of his head shaking in front of his face.'' I don't know Izuku, I feel it's scary, and you will just receive pain because of it.'' It had been like this for around 2 weeks, Izuku had saved up a good amount of Money, Located a place that would do it for him, And had started a campaign to get a tattoo. Izuku right now was begging his mother for a tattoo.'' Izuku, I know you want it, But tattoos are things the Yakuza do.''

Izuku nodded.'' You won't be allowed in public bathhouses, and you will get alot of mean looks.'' Mom, I don't like public bathhouses, and I already get mean glares, Here it's fine, we are here, and at UA, I will already fight against the looks of hate for my quirk, So fighting against having a tattoo is fine.'' Shota what do you think.'' It's illogical, But I have nothing against it, tattoos are not that frowned upon. But the choice is yours Inko, I don't feel like I have many choices in the matter, I am just his stepdad.''

Shota had been adamant about that, While he would give his opinion, He had no right to tell her how to parent and she had no right about him, Thankfully both parented the same way, and they had no arguments about it.'' Fine, Fine, Fine, You can get the tattoo.'' Izuku jumped up, wrapping both his arms around Inko and lifting her up.'' thankyou thankyou thankyou.'' Izuku started repeating as he started spinning Inko around without effort. Inko just had to laugh at her son's action, But Izuku dropped her softly on the floor.'' Cool, I will be back.'' Izuku yelled out as he started running to the tattoo shop.

The tattoo shop Izuku went to was a messed up one. But he had no choice. Not many people would do the tattoo he wanted. This was a tattoo artist, in a back alley. He was extremely skilled, He did it from mental pictures and then printed it on flesh, Most people didnt like him because it hurt alot. It burned as the tattoo was made. But it only took a little bit of time.'' Yo, you got the free time?'' Izuku walked into the back alley tattoo shop. with the man who was sitting back smoking a joint to nod slowly.'' yeah bro.'' He spoke slowly showing he was high as hell.

'' Cool, I want that thing we talked about.'' Were you the unicorn with the swastika, as eyes, with a massive cock, with the tip being a shark because as I said, I ain't doing that.'' N-no that isn't me.'' Izuku said quite shocked at the request.'' Oh ait, it's fine then.'' The dude said as he pulled out a large piece of paper and a marker.'' Ait what you want bro.'' Izuku nodded as he walked up and sat down

'' So alright, I want a Chinese dragon, It starts out from my chest scar, Then it will go down to my side, below my armpit, Covering my back, slightly as it wraps around my arm with its mouth reaching my hand.'' Wow, buddy, I can do that, But that gonna hurt like a mother fucker.'' The dude said, taking a puff of his joint. Izuku nodded his head understanding it.'' I know, But I would like it if possible.'' Sure, buddy, I have tattooed alot of shit worse than this, So let's just check what type of shit you want.''

The man pulled out his phone and he started googling dragon types.'' This dude is right. Long snake-like, small arms and legs with no wings.'' Izuku nodded.'' Ait doable, I once did this type of dragon on someone's leg, with the tongue being his cock, hella weird.'' Izuku laughed at the absurdity.'' Fine, what about the scale, You want this type or more depth in them.'' Izuku looked, It was done with a simple marker, a single line, almost kid-like scales, While the second one was drawn in depth, There was more shadow to them, aswell as a unique look to the scales

'' That one, It looks way better.'' Izuku spoke with a smile,'' Ait, remove the shirt let's do this, I got a clear picture.'' The man put on a special helmet that showed his thought on a small display. It showed a beautifully drawn dragon, a light green shade adding some colors to its body.'' That is it.'' Izuku removed his shirt stretching his arms wide and taking a deep breath as he closed his eyes. The man placed his hands where the tattoo would start. Slowly dragging it over the skin. 

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