Heroes in trouble

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'' We need to be smart about this. We are all still tired and we don't know how many villains we are going to go up against. So we will fight smart.'' Momo said. Each had a rough understanding of where they were. the gas was thicker in the middle. So they knew where the villain was that made this gas.'' Our visibility is low. Wait Nana can you cause it to move.'' Nana nodded.'' Dont worry it will be easy with this.'' Momo pulled her shirt up. Showing her belly. Popping out a large beam-like thing.

As she grabbed it from the floor. She held onto one location. She shook it. And the large object folded out. Showing it was a massive fan.'' Here.'' Momo gave it to Nana with a charge of OFA. Started swinging it around as hard as she could.

'' what the fuck.'' Mustard said annoyed. He was able to feel his gas. He was able to read the gas. He felt the six people enter his gas. the six victims that would die soon, But now, His gas was being pushed aside. They were making a large gap and that was getting closer. 

Mustard shook his head. They might have more visibility, But it would not save them in the end. Unzipping the top of his jacket and reaching down. He pulled out his gun. A very simple revolver. Six shots in total. He looked at the area where the quirk stopped working. the large open spot of air. He held his gun up. now it was a guess. They had to be around the center.'' Die losers.'' Mustard pulled the trigger. He pulled the trigger twice. BANG BANG. quickly after each other, the two bullets flew forward. Out of shock all six nearly dropped to the ground.'' THAT WAS A GUNSHOT, WHAT THE FUCK, IS ANYONE HIT.'' Each started checking the other out. Thankfully. One of the many trees in the area had blocked the bullet.

'' Fuck, They are toying with us. LETS KILL THEM QUICKLY.'' Kamakiri pressed a blade out of his fist. The same thickness as his fist, Almost as if his fingers were straight. '' Tsuyu, go in the trees, you're the scout. Sero, Please try and fire your tape forward, We need to locate them quickly.'' Momo created a large shield. 

The only one who did not hide behind the single shield was Nana, who had been cutting a way through the gas herself. Mustard was annoyed. The gas kept being displayed. So he stopped. He cut the gas off. He would play dirty. The gas lingered but it quickly lessened and with the help of Nana the gas was fully gone. And before long they noticed Mustard.'' OY VILLIAN FUCK, YOUR DYING NEXT.'' Kamakiri screamed. Mustard placed his hand next to the area of his ear.'' what, I can't understand you. '' Mustard had a single plan that was completely dirty.

Kamakiri pulled off his mask. There was no gas anyway. he ran out. It just muffled him. This was not even True. They had talked with each other perfectly fine, But Kamakiri's adrenaline rushed to his head, stopping him from thinking clearly. As he threw the mask on the floor. Mustard smiled under his mask. before anyone was able to scream Before they wanted to yell out for him not to do it. It was too late. Mustard turned his quirk on again. Out of him, the gas exploded. Instantly the entire area was covered in pink smoke. Each one of them was engulfed in smoke.

And Kamakiri took a full breath from it. He felt the effects quickly. His entire head turned light. His stomach felt heavy. The world started spinning, and he collapsed.'' KAMAKIRI NOO.'' Momo rushed at him. She dropped her shield, she needed to get his mask on him as fast as possible. Mustard raised his gun again. His other hand supports the gun, aimed right at Momo's body. Before he pulled the trigger, Bang.'' DAMN.'' Nana had swung the large fan. The wind pressure pushes the gun out of the way, causing him to miss again.'' I WON'T LET YOU HURT ANY OF MY FRIENDS.'' Nana dashed forward.

Mustard however was not worried. Thicker smoked engulfed mustard. Before he just disappeared fully. Nana's attack missing.'' You won't be able to harm me, I am my smoke. smoke is me.'' Mustard was playing tricks. He knew their locations and he had killed plenty of people because of this.'' You and your friends will die a painful death, Normally I wouldn't be allowed to. It's THAT dragon's job to kill you, But I DONT THINK ANYONE WILL MISS YOU.'' The five hero trainees shared the same thought, they were here because of Izuku, they were going for Izuku.

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