Interning with heroes 2

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'' Man Here I expected it to be easy,'' Sero whined as he finished his 50th burpee. It was his punishment for being late for breakfast. Both Sero and Bondo had chosen to work with Black Cage. A very beautiful, Pink haired woman. While some found her weird for often speaking in the third person. Her work as a captured hero was top-ranked. But she was strict. A hero had to follow the rules and if they didnt, They should be punished for the fact. And Sero who was late by 1 minute was feeling that. That however did not make this internship worth less, Even if it was only the first day of real learning. Black cage already taught them a couple of lessons about trapping


'' While trying gets you far, It won't get you all the way. When I was a student, I had this classmate, He tried and tried and tried, But never succeeded at stuff, Hell one of the only moments he was out in action, He caused the death of someone.'' Bamblade said to Komori. Both she and Kamakiri were tasked with some physical tasks that he needed to see how far they came.


'' COME ON THEM, DIG DEEP AND GET OUT THAT INNER BEAST, I CAN SENSE YOU HAVE IT, LET IT ROAR. RAAAGH'' Shishido screamed as he let out a terrifying animalistic roar right at Rumi and Ryuko. They both backed down just a bit. While they were aware of the more animalistic side of their quirks, Mostly thanks to Izuku. They could feel it when Izuku got heated. Pissed, They felt that intense feeling. And they wanted to know more.'' RAAAAAAAAHHHH.'' Rumi screamed hyping herself up as she tried matching Shishido's aggression. Ryuko however not screaming was trying her absolute best to match that energy. Sensing it deep within and trying to let it loose, trying to truly free the beast, No matter how futile.

'' I NEED TO SEE MORE AGGRESSION, YOUR NOT SOME FARM ANIMAL ARE YOU MIRKO.'' He screamed at Rumi. Feeling threatened by his animal side, Rumi's instinct was to back down. But she wasn't gonna have any of it.'' I AIN'T A FUCKING FARM ANIMAL, I WILL STOMP ANYONE WHO SAYS THAT IN THE DIRT.'' This Shishido wanted.'' GOOD NOW FIGHT.'' He launched himself at her, claws extended much as a cat would.


'' I must insist, Your actions are impressive, But, I would not say they are to their max potential yet, I will be right back, I must check something in my office,'' Hiruzen said before his sidekick grabbed him by the back of the shirt, Slide his own leg behind the legs of Hiruzen and violently threw him out toward the open. As Hiruzen landed. He ragged and dolled a bit Before he turned into grayish sludge and Himiko was there instead.'' B-But that was perfect wasn't it.'' Both the real Hiruzen and Monoma stepped out.'' No and why wasn't it Monoma?'' Uhm, Because she acted too friendly.'' No, Close, But no, While her behavior was off. The main difference was.'' Hiruzen pointed to his sidekick.'' His stride. The professor, nearly always walk with his head up high and his arms behind his back. You walked with your arms right to your side. Someone the professor only does when carrying something.'' But please my phone.'' Sorry Miss Toga, But rules are rules, During work hours, the only way to earn your phone. is to become me and take it. Otherways, you may only get it during breaks and when off duty


''Kishishishi Kishishishi, It's not your dog, behave it with respect,'' Kage said as he laughed. While Dark shadow and Tokoyami had an incredible relationship. It wasn't like speaking to its own individual. Nearly 99% of the time Tokoyami was in control of where or what they would do.'' You are partners. Listening goes both ways. Isn't that right?'' Kage said behind him. His shadow nodded on the ground.'' It's strange, But you will never again be alone. You must understand that you and Koko are not 1, you are 2 that share one space. They have ideas that you must listen to just like you have ideas they must listen to.'' Kage explained.'' Now for you'' He said looking at Kuroiro'' Let's teach you the Shadow dance.'' He said as the shadow came out of the ground

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